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After what felt like an eternity, the day finally comes to an end. I send Yoongi a quick text asking him to pick me up and lay against a tree. I close my eyes, plug in my earbuds, and let the music play as I think of today's occurences.

A nudge to my shoulder distracts me from my thoughts, causing me to take out my earbuds and look up.

"Tae?" I say with a shocked expression plastered on my face. He smiles at me, but the smile has a sad look to it. I pat the grass next to me as a sign for him to sit next to me. He takes a seat and looks at me.

"What makes you want to talk to me all of a sudden?" I blurt out. He shakes his head and looks down, rubbing his temples at the same time.

"I saw you today in the morning. I didn't mean to seem like such a dick, but I just honest to god had no idea how to react. I-I never expected you to come back to school, you know?" I nod my head, "why did you come back?" He adds quietly.

"Yoongi told me I should come back. I honestly wasn't planning on coming back, but he changed my mind." The name of my lover brought a pissed off look to Taehyung's face.

I bite my lip. "I fucked up," I think to myself.

"What suddenly made him care for you and your education? I told you he's just toying you, Jimin. How certain are you that he truly cares about you?"

"Tae, please. I don't know if Hoseok hyung has told you, but...Yoongi and I recently made things official. He's...he's left his girlfriend and now we're together." He stares at me with a blank face.

"Aren't you scared of that happening to you? He's done it once, surely he can do it again."

"Tae, please," I say with a pout, "I'm happy! Why can't you just be happy for me? Everyone else is...but you're not." He shakes his head and laughs.

"Jimin, I'm like this because I care for you. I don't want you to do bad things. I wanna go to college with you, party with you, maybe even move in to the same neighborhood, but how am I supposed to do all these fun things with you if all you fucking do is stay at home with your boyfriend?" My ears go hot and so does my face.

"Taehyung, how the fuck can you say that? You know the shit I've been through with my mom. I've been working my ass off to just have a roof over my head. You don't have to worry about how you're going to pay your next bill because you have family. Besides Yoongi I really have no one." Before he's able to get a word out, a honk is sounded. I turn around and--with perfect timing--Yoongi has arrived.

"I'll see you later." I spit out. Taehyung says nothing, only following me with his eyes as I enter Yoongi's car and drive off.

"Everything okay, baby?" I huff. No, everything is not okay.

"No," I sigh. I ruffle my hair from frustration and turn to him with a pout formed on my face, "Tae confronted me about our relationship." He places his hand on my thigh as he drives off and a small smile takes over my lips.

"Don't listen to him. You're happy, right?"

"Of course I'm happy!" I say with a bigger smile. I place my hand on top of his and enjoy the view of our hands together so naturally.

"Then don't listen to him. You're happy and that's what matters, okay?" I nod my head and press a quick kiss onto his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby." And we ride in silence after that. It's not an uncomfortable or tense silence. If anything, it was quite the opposite; a comfortable silence. I stare out the window the rest of the ride and enjoy the warmth of Yoongi's hand on my thigh accompanied by his soft humming.

I'm so fucking whipped for you, Min Yoongi.

Ayeee this chapter is longer than usual... i made it a bit longer in honor of my birthday (lmao happy birthday me) but I didn't wanna make it too long. I thought this was a good ending to the chapter. I think going on for too long can kinda spoil it. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying it so far. thanks for all the love and support! <3

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