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The hot water trickles down my back as I sit in the shower in an attempt to relax my excruciatingly tense muscles.
I close my eyes and put my hands to my face as the realization that what I had done had been done and set in stone.

"Fuck," I sigh, "I fucked up." I rub my eyes as the all too familiar burning sensation begins and tears run down my face.

I turn off the shower and run into the bed after drying myself. I bury my face in the pillows and begin to sob. Feelings of guilt, disgust, disappointment, and so much more all begin to stir within me as the memory replays and replays like a broken record in my mind.

After a while, I do something I'd never imagine myself to do..I text Taehyung.

"Hey:)," I write to him.
I don't expect him to answer nor do I expect him to even so much as consider responding to me, but to my surprise he does.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" he asks.

Within seconds the tears once again run down my face as I shakily write about my situation to Taehyung. And almost instantly upon recieving it, he calls. My heart beats a mile a minute as I realize that my bestfriend is finally reaching out to me and after so long we can finally reconnect just like I'd always hoped for.

"Hey, Tae," I say to him.

"Hey, Jimin," he begins, "you've gotten yourself into quite the pickle." He says with a chuckle accompanied by his words.

"Yeah," I say as I let out an airy laugh, "fuck yeah I have."

Hey guys..im sorry this is so short and I haven't posted in so long, but i've just been so swamped with school and stressed out I haven't really been able to write. It was raining and that gave me some inspo but I kimda lost it..anyways, im so sorry for rhe delay and that this isnt some long chapter (if you were hoping for that..maybe you like short chapters) rhat you may have been expecting. Ill try and post another chapter soon, and i think i just might bc i have some ideas for the next chapter :)
Bye guys

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