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I grab my backpack and make my way to Yoongi's car.
An odd sensation spreads throughout me as I realize this is merely my second time in his car. I brush that thought away as a new thought comes to mind: today I'm going to be surrounded by those my age for the first time in what seems like forever. I've grown accustom to only spending time with Yoongi-- and occasionally Hoseok-- that the thought of having to now spend time with someone other than those two scares me.

Once we reach the school, I look at Yoongi and smile weakly. He grabs my face and presses a soft kiss onto my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him back, trying to stay in the moment for as long as possisble, but he pulls away too soon.

"Go, baby. I'll wait for you at home." I give him a small smile before stepping out of the car and into school.

I take a deep breathe and take my first few steps into the campus. It's not as I remember. The grass is greener, the air is fresher, the buildings have been painted, but it's still the same dull school I dropped out of.

As I make my way to pick up my schedule I spot Taehyung with Hoseok. They're holding each other's hands. I smile and take a step towards them, but stop myself.

They don't know I've decided to go back to school.

Should I go up to them?

Does Taehyung still despise me for being with Yoongi?

Does he even still consider me his best friend? I still consider him my bestfriend.

Before I can turn away and continue walking to the theater Taehyung turns around and spots me.

I freeze up and his mouth drops. We stare at each other for a few seconds, then he regains his composure and continues his conversation with Hoseok. Totally dismissing me.

I hear Hoseok asking him what the hell happened, and him dismissing the situation.

It hurts. Out of all the people, I thought Taehyung would be the most accepting. Afterall, he is my bestfriend. That's what bestfriends are supposed to do, right?

With a sad sigh I walk to my first class.

Today is going to be rough.

Uwhaohaoaja hi sorry for not updating in like 19749283 years (I had to come back and fix this because wtf wattpad it restored this chapter from earlier and rhat's not what I picked ugh)

Thank you for 100 reads on this chapter! Like wtf..I can't believe it.

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