Meeting Connor

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Recap: "Ok just give me one second... hmm.. where did I put that damn paper... oh! There it is! His name is Connor..."


"Connor what?" I said, I was getting impatient and nervous, I was so nervous my leg was shaking...

"Connor Frana! Ah that's it now I remember!"

"Wait what? Let me see that paper." she handed me the paper and I read it "Grandma..."


"There's a t in his name it's pronounced Franta." Once I said that I realized what I had just said and whipped my head back down towards the paper with his name, number, and address written neatly on it. "This is not real..."

"What do you know him or something?"

"Umm... Ya you could say that. He makes YouTube videos on a channel called O2L and I'm a really big fan. There are 5 others, Kian Lawley, Ricky Dillon, Trevor Moran, Sam Pottorff, and Jc Caylen." After I said as I started hyperventilating. My grandma soon rushed over to me and made me take deep breaths and drink some water.

After I calmed down we talked and she told me to take the paper and call him when I got home. I was about ready to go when there was a knock on the door.

"I got it Grandma!" I yelled back at the living room where she was sitting and rushed over to the door. I slowly opens the door and about peed my pants... There stood Connor Franta, Connor freaking Franta, who I just leaned was my step brother.

"Umm, hey... I was just looking for my grandma but if she is busy that's fine" Connor said, after he had said that, I realized how long I had been standing at the door.

"Oh, umm ya come in she's in the living room." I said and opened the door wider to let him in.

"Oh by the way nice shirt." he said with a smirk and walked into the living room. I quickly padded after him.

"I think I should go and let you guys talk... I'll see you later grandma." After I said that I realized I just called her grandma and my eyes went wide and I looked at her and the back at Connor who also has wide eyes. Shit he hear me...

I began to gather my things when I was pulled into a hug I was confused who was hugging me but soon figured out it was Connor. Wait why is he hugging me...

"Aubree..." Connor whispered and sounded like he was crying

I pulled away and looked at him "How do u know my name..."

Connor and Grandma share a look.

"Umm Grandma can you explain it..."

"Yes", she says with a sigh "You and Connor aren't step-brother and sister, you are blood... when you were about 3 and Connor 4, your real dad took you and Connor out of the house because your parents were fighting. Well a few days later they had an agreement that Connor was to live with you dad Jack, and you were to live with your mom, Linda. Your mother was suppose to tell you but then she met your step dad and he wouldn't let her tell you. Connors dad has already told him... and he knows your name because he remembers you..."

"Oh my god..." I say as I feel like I'm going to faint. Everything begins to spin and I see black dots. The last thing I remember is falling into Connor.

Connors POV

"Oh my god..." I hear as I look at my sister... I can't believe she is here I thought I would never see her again.

I grab her arm to steady her as she wobbles and soon she falls into me. I keep ahold of her so she doesn't fall. and look at my Grandma.

"What do I do? Why is she here? When did she get here? Is she staying? What's going on?!?

Please tell me!" I scream as I set Aubree down on the couch, and my grandma begins to explain everything

Once she is done, I can't believe what I have herd. How could someone do that!

"Oh my... She is not going back their she can stay with me, Ricky, Kian, and Jc! We have a room she could sleep in, I mean there isn't much in there but she can stay with me I won't loose her again... It was hard enough once. Not again. Never again.."

"Thank you Connor.." I hear Aubree say behind me I turn around and rush to her and hug her. I didn't even know she was awake

"Anything for you... But I have to get back, the guys just thought I was stopping in to tell grandma hi, and I have been here for about 30 minutes." I say with a little laugh as I let go of her

"Ok lets go... Home?" she says as she sits up.

"Yep, bye grandma. Thank you so much for everything... for helping me get my sister back" I say ask I hug our grandma.

"Good bye and be careful with her she's fragile..."

"Bye grandma and thank you for explaining everything it means a lot." Aubree says as she hugs our grandma. Once they let go she grabs her bags and phone and we walk to the door I get in the at waiting for her to follow but she doesn't... what is she doing? I think to myself

She sets her stuff down and runs back inside about 3 minutes later she comes back with car keys in her hands. I roll down the window and say "Who's keys are those?"

"Mine now, Grandma gave me her old car. So how about I just follow you to your house?" she asks sounding unsure.

"Ya that sounds great I'll see you there!"

"Ok see you soon" she says as she grabs her bags and puts them in her car and starts it up.

I then pull out if the driveway and look in the mirror to see she's following me. "Next stop O2L house...."

Aubrees POV

As I'm following Connor I mumble to myself "Next stop O2L house..." Never thought I would be saying those words.

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