Q&A Together

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"Already working on it."


I've been thinking for two weeks straight, of ways to pull her out of this hole she thinks she has dug herself, but still nothing. Me and Connor have been brain storming ever since that afternoon. You would think with the two of us we would have something, but nope. I keep watching Aubree, and every day she gets worse instead of better. I hate seeing her like this. I'm afraid she'll start cutting again. Even though Connor took her razors that doesn't mean she can't fine more.

Right now I'm sitting in Connor's room trying to think of something.

"Well.. How about we just let her figure it out, and be there for her if she needs us." Connor suggests.

"No I can't just sit back and watch her fade away to nothing, I won't do that. There has to be something." I say back now pacing, we're running out of time. It's just a matter hours, days, weeks, before she can't handle it anymore.

"Do you still have to record a video?" He asks looking at me.

"Ya? Why?" I answer, well more like ask.

"Why don't you go record that, I'll try to think while your doing that."

"Ok. Ya. See you later." I say back leaving his room going to mine setting up everything, when I get an idea. Aubree should be in the video with me! I know I could have came up with a better idea but it's all I can think of right now. I know it won't help much, but it's a start.

After setting up everything for the video and asking for questions for a Q&A I head to Aubree's room. Once I get there I knock on the door hearing a small 'come in' then opening the door. She still hasn't painted her room. Cali got her room set up and painted a while ago.

"Hey, I was thinking, you should do a video with me." I smile nervously. This is the first real conversation we've had since I told her how I felt. She refused to talk to me.

"Uh I-I don't think that's a good idea." she stutters nervously. I frown as she continues. "They wouldn't l-like me." she finishes.

"Yes, yes they would. They would love you!" I say back walking over to her and kneeling in front of her, since she's sitting on her bed with her feet dangling over the edge, and take her chin lightly with my fingers pulling her head up carefully to look at me. "I want to be the first to make a video with you. Plus, you said you wanted to a well known YouTuber. So here's a pull."

"A pull?" she asks confused with her eyebrows knit together.

"I'm pulling you out of this hole no matter what you say to me, here's the first pull. It's small, but a start."


After a littler more persuasion, I finally got her to make a Q&A with me. I pick a few questions, and start the camera. After my intro and introducing Aubree I get started with the questions.

"Ok first question... Who is Aubree?" I ask looking at the camera the at Aubree. "This beautiful girl right here!" I yell smiling, she smiles back.

"I'm Connors sister. I'm living in the O2L house for a while, along with my friend Cali who is really close to Jc." she answers with a smile, but I can tell it's fake.

"YASS! Next question. Are you guys dating?" I ask blushing and looking at Cali who's also blushing.

"U-uh no were best friends." she answers with a small smile, which is also fake.

We keep going on with questions tell I've said all the questions we get ready to do the outro.

"Oh. Kay. Guys. See. You. Lay. Ter." Me and Aubree both say posing and making weird faced.


"That was the most fun I've had in two weeks, thank you Ricky." I say with a smile.

"No problem, so how many more?" he asks making me confused.

"More what?" I ask still really confused.


"Oh Ricky please, s-stop please before you fall in, or I end up pulling you in." I say my voice cracking and a tear sliding down my cheek.

"I'm afraid I've already fallen." He says crashing our lips together. Our lips move in sync, and I smile into the kiss causing him to smile too, and pull away. "Yep, I've defiantly fallen." he whispers.

(AN: hi! Double update!! YASS!! I'm proud of myself! I also have 1.2k reads!!! AHHHHH!! And over 80 votes!!! Oh my cheese. YA. This is so amazing!! I love you guys!! ~Love Emily)

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