Something. Anything.

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Her ex just died, and she has been beating herself up over it, she thinks it's her fault." He says quietly as we both stare at him.

"Was she close to him?"

"She was at one point, but then they had some... problems? But he helped her in his last day, um the gun shot that killed him, was meant for Ricky." Connor says, pointing to me.

"So she's been though a lot?" She asks, looking sympathetic for my angel.

"Yes." Me and Connor state in unison.

"Her dad was the one that, umm killed him. She felt really betrayed, and-" I say, but stop trying to figure out what the right word for it was, "heartbroken." I whisper the last part.


"That can do it, it's very rare that heartbreak can put someone in a coma-" She begins.

"Coma!" Connor and I shout in synch. She never said anything about a coma.

"Yes? Didn't I say that?" She asks confused.

"No!" I shout, I'm beginning to loose my patience already.

"Ricky, calm down, everything will be ok." Connor whispers, gently placing his palm on my stiff shoulders. It seems like just a little bit ago, I was reassuring Connor of the same thing.

"No it won't be! Aubree is in a damn coma! What is she doesn't wake up? Then what!" I shout. Connor looks surprise at my language, almost scared actually. Everyone in the O2L house knows I don't swear often. I've only sworn a handful of times in my life, and I guess this is one of those times.

"Sir, if it is any help, we are doing everything, and I honestly think she will wake up, and soon too. I'm not suppose to be saying this, but I have a good feeling about Aubree, she seems stronger than others." She said smiling sympathetically.

I quickly nod at the nice doctor, turn towards Connor, "I'm sorry for yelling Connor, I-I just can't loose her." I whisper.

"Me either Ricky." he whispers, before turning back to the doctor, who was staring at our little heart-to-heart moment. "When can we see her?" He asks.

"You can see her now, but it's only immediate family allowed." She says pointing to Connor.

"But I need to see her." I state.

"And you will."

"But you just said it only immediate family?" I say confused.

"Yes, and your her brother." she says winking.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I quickly say, pulling her into a tight hug.

"It's the least I can do. Lets go." she says once I finally let her go.


Once we get to the room, 3b, the nice doctor leaves. I stand outside the door, contemplating whether or not to go in.

"Are you going in?" Connor asks, standing next to me, he is also staring at the door.

"Ya... Lets go." I whisper, taking a deep breath preparing me to see my angel. I lightly pull the door open, letting Connor in first. After Connor is in, I quietly walk in. Conmor walks over to the hospital bed, where my angel lay.

"Aubree..." Connor whispers chocking up. "I love you. I'm so sorry."

I slowly begin walking over to the bed, and sit in the chair next to her. I carefully take her hand, enjoying the way her smaller one perfectly fits in mine. Like it's made just for me. (AN: Little Things by One Direction <3)

"Aubree I'm not sure if you can hear me, but I believe you can, I love you, so much. Please pull through this. I need you, more than you will ever know. So does everyone else." I whisper.


Me and Connor stayed until visiting hours were over, which was at 7PM. We spent the whole day their.

Once we got home, Jc, Kian, Sam, Trevor, Cali, Andrea, and Jenn all came running to the door.

"Where were you!" Cali shouts.

"Oops, we forgot to tell you guys." Connor says, and normally he would be laughing at our forgetfulness.

"Is everything ok?" Sam asks looking around, probably for Aubree.

"Where's Aubree?" Jc asks also looking around.

"At the hospital." I shortly answer.

"What! Is she okay?" Kian and Andrea shout at the same time.

"Well..." Connor begins, before a few tears trickle down his face, hitting the floor.

"No..." Jenn says.

"No! No! No! She's breathing!" I shout, beginning to think of what would happen if she ever stopped.

"Then what's wrong?" Trevor asks, he voice shaking.

"S-she's in a coma." I whisper, trying to stay calm, but obviously failing.

"What? How?" Cali asks, tears already streaming down her face.

"They t-think from heartbreak." I whisper.

"Heartbreak? You guys didn't break up right?" Kian asks.

"No, from her dads betrayal, they said it v-very rare for her to go into this state from heartbreak, but it has happened before." I whisper.


After everyone had asked twenty questions, I finally walked up to my room, laying down in the cold bed. Its not the same without her here with me.

You can hear Connors muffled sobs, as he sobs in his room. Everyone in the house is a wreck, and I feel like this is my fault. I know it's not, but it still feels like I could have done something.


(AN: :'( Awww, Ricky... it's so sad. This chapter had me in tears, and I wrote it haha. But on a good note, Nobody came out today!!! Whoop whoop! It's so freaking good, I can't even. He is just so... AMAZING!! Haha. Love you guys!! ~Love Emily)

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