There Not White Anymore

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"You look nice in my cloths." he says still smirking. I blush and walk over to his bed. I pull the covers up and slide I. On my side. Soon I feel the bed dip indicating Ricky's getting in also. Then the covers lift and he slides in right behind me, but not touching me. I start shivering, his room is cold, and I usually sleep in long pants and a sweatshirt. Ricky's arm snakes around my frozen waist instantly warming it and pulls my body towards him. I turn around with his arm still around me. I'm met by his beautiful brown eyes once again, I just stare at them as he just stars at mine. We stay like this for a while till he starts to lean in.


I start to lean in too and close my eye. right before I close mine I see his close too. We keep leaning tell our noses touch and I feel his warm, minty breath fanning over my lips and face.

"We should get to sleep." he whispers, I open my eyes and frown when I see him pull away and snuggle into his pillow with a small blush on his cheeks, mine also. He never moved his arm though, which made me smile again, and blush more. Maybe he does like me... but then why wouldn't he have kissed me?

"Uh. Ya probably." I say and snuggle into the other pillow on his bed. I slowly start to drift off, but right before I fall asleep I feel him pull me toward him, I quickly readjust, snuggling into his warm, smooth, bare chest. I then fall asleep all the way, listening to Ricky's heartbeat.


*BEEEEPP BEEEPPP BEEEEEP* I hear next to me. I snuggle my head deeper into my warm, hard, smooth pillow and try to fall back asleep. I slowly drift back off the sleep.

*BEEEEPPP BEEEEEP BEEEPP* I hear again, but that's not all I hear, I hear a loud groan come from what sounds like under me. I keep my eyes closed trying to remeber where I am in my half asleep state. I feel movement and I'm being lifted off something, or someone, them I'm put on a colder, but also soft surface. I've come to the conclusion, I'm on a bed. I feel weight been lifted off of the bed meaning someone got off. Loud thuds are heard as the person walks somewhere in the room tiredly.

"Why is my alarm set?" I hear a voice and instantly open my eye, knowing that voice. I'm in Ricky's room, why am I- oh ya... oh my, we almost kissed... I began blushing and sitting up slowly in his bed looking around to find Ricky standing by his dresser trying to turn his alarm off.

"Do you need some help." I ask groggily. He jumps and whips around, not knowing I was awake yet.

"Uh n-no I'm good, just got it." he says walking back to the bed sitting on the edge of it. "Are you hungry? It's only seven, but my alarm went off, I don't remember setting it." He says with a little laugh at the end.

"A little bit, all I had for dinner was cereal." I answer him but then blush remembering what happened at dinner that night. He seemed to notice, because he smiled and poked my cheek, I swatted his hand away and put my head in my hands, bringing my knees up to my chest. I sit like this for a little bit tell I feel the blush slowly creep back down.

I pull my head out and see Ricky is sitting next to me now. When I look over at him, he's already looking at me. We both smile at each other. I keep my gaze locked with his, he only breaks it when he looks down at my lips. My breath hitches as he does so, and I begin to blush again. He locks his gaze back with mine for a second, before he then turns his head the opposite way and stands up, outstretching his hand towards me to help me off his comfy bed. Once I'm up, we walk down the stairs. Ricky makes eggs and offers me some but I go for cereal. If you can't tell I LOVE cereal. We eat in silence tell we hear. Loud thuds coming from the stairs, and yelling. We both head out of the kitchen to see what's going on.

"JC!" Kian yells chasing him down the stairs, almost falling. "YOUR SO DEAD WHEN I GET TO YOU!" he shout right on Jc's heals. Ricky and I just watch with amused looks on out faces.

"It was just a prank!" Jc yells laughing and running faster trying to stay away from Kian, but everyone knows Kian has an advantage, long legs.

"YOU PEED ON MY WHITE VANS! Kian shouts back, almost catching Jc, but he dodges it. By now Ricky and I are laughing and holding out stomachs, watching the two of them bicker back and forth.

"I told you it wasn't me it was Wishbo-" Jc was cut off when Kian finally tackled him to the ground. We watch and laugh as the two roll around on the floor, now Wishbone is barking and biting at everyone's ankles.

"What is going on, it's like three in the morning? Why are you guys on the floor? Why is Wishbone barking like crazy? And most importantly, why are you wearing guy cloths?" Connor asks sleepily from the top of the stairs, pointing at each of us as he asks questions.

"It's seven." Me and Ricky say and the same time. We all laugh but then all eyes are on me. Me and Ricky are looking at each other tying to figure out what to say. I guess just the truth, since they know when I'm lying.

"Uh last night I slept in Ricky's room, I didn't want to wake Cali up, and then I needed clothes to sleep in, and going into my room would defeat the purpose of sleeping in someone else's room so I don't wake here up, so Ricky gave me some of his." I ramble looking at everyone, they're all smirking except Ricky, he's just smiling down at me and blushing. If you looked at me, you wouldn't think I was blushing, you would thing I had a tomato for a head.

Connor then turns to Jc and Kian, "Know what's your guy's problem?"

"Jc, peed on my white VANS!" Kian yells but not as loud.

"CAN YOU ALL STOP YELLING I'M TRYING TO SLEEP IN HERE!!" We hear a muffled yell come from Cali.

"Wishbone did! I just put him over top of your shoes! And there not white VANS anymore, they're yellow and smelly!" Jc says back still bickering with Kian, but not yelling.

"That's the same thing and I know they're yellow, I can also still smell them! Why did you do that, now I have to get new ones!" Kian asks pouting like a little kid.

"I don't know!" Jc shoots back and races up the stairs into a room, the room went unnoticed by everyone, but me. He didn't just go into any room, no, he went into my room. I begin to smirk, but then stop realizing what they could have done... No Cali wouldn't, she would tell me if anything was going on between her and Jc, right?

"Well I'm going back to bed." Connor says skipping back to his room and shutting the door.

(AN: hey guys! Sorry for no update yesterday, I still don't feel 100% but I'm better! Aubricky didn't kiss, did that surprise a lot of you? It honestly surprised me when I wrote that, because I want then together so bad, but it just not the right time *insert smirky face* Anyway keep reeding this book please, I'm loosing people, and I'm not sure why. It should get better! Also WOW! 815 reads?!? 51 votes?!? Oh my GOODNESS GRACIANYAS Thank you so much! Love you guys!~ Love Emily)

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