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"Ok. Ryan... Hide in the front closet-" he starts saying, but gets cut off by another loud bang. "Jenn go in the kitchen pantry, take your phone with you, call 911 if you here him. It might just be someone else-" bang bang "Ricky take Aubree upstairs, into the closest in your room, it the deepest closet." He rushed out. You could see how worried he was, it was written all over his face.

"No I can't just leave-" bang bang "you down-" bang "here with-" bang "him!"

"You have to. I love you, Aubree. Stay up there no matter what." he says with tears in his eyes, hugging me and pressing a kiss to my forehead, be fore turning to Ricky, "Don't let her leave the upstairs." he whispers sternly. Ricky just nods before dragging me up the stairs. I hope Connor will be ok.


Connor's POV.

I waited until everyone was settled in their hiding spots, before to slowly made my way over to the door. Bang bang bang! By this point I can't tell if the loud bangs were my heart hitting rapidly against the inside of my rib cage, or the door being beaten on constantly.

Once I got to the door I took a deep breath, before opening the door. A man, with somewhat gray hair, stood smiling evilly at me.

"And who must you be?" He asks, his voice sending chills down my back.

"I'm Connor. Can I help you?" I ask, trying to keep my cool.

"Ah, Connor. I didn't think I'd ever get to meet you! Well it's just my lucky day." He says smirking.

"Who are you?" I ask faking confused the best I can in my state.

"You know who I am. Now where is Aubree." He whispers evilly. He pushes me out of the way with ease, making his way inside our house.

"I don't know who your talking about." I say, but my voice betrays me, cracking in the middle of my sentence.

"Your voice says otherwise."

"Well you know, I'm a man, and I'm going though puberty, so my voice often cracks when I'm talking. It doesn't matter what were talking about, my voice just randomly-" I ramble, trying to cover my fix my mistake, but I get cut off by a rather large hand slapping over my mouth, silencing me.

My eyes go wide, with shock, when I feel something cold touch my temple.

"I suggest you start talking." He whispers smugly, knowing that having a gun to my head affects me.

"Imf mom't wnow wewe whe wis." I say, but it's muffled by this hand. He quickly pulls his hand back so he can hear me clearly. "I don't know here she is." I state, standing my ground.

"Fine, I guess were going to have to deal with this, the hard way." he whispers, spinning me around in his arms, so my back is to his front, with one arm hooked around my neck, chocking me, while the other still has the gun pressed to my temple, with my arms not working correctly due to the lack or oxygen.

"Tell me where she is and I'll let you go."


"Oh Aubree! If you don't want this brother of your hurt, I suggest you come down here, and we can "talk"!" He yells, encircling his arm more, cause me to start gasping for air. I don't care if I die, it's for Aubree. I would do anything for her. I won't loose her again, so even if I live, if she isn't here with me I don't know what I would do.

"No, Aubree come back here!" I here Ricky shout. Shit! Why can't she just stay where I asked her too. Pretty soon she is standing in from of me and her 'dad' with Ricky right after her.

"Ah, so your Ticky." He asks finally letting me drop to the floor, just as I was beginning to see spots cloud (AN: STAY CLOUDY) my vision. Aubree rushes over to me, and try's to help me stand as I'm still gasping for air, trying to fill my lungs again. I try to stand again, but it's no use, I'm too weak from the lose of oxygen.

"It's Ricky." Ricky states.

"Don't test me boy." He says calmly,and I think that's what scared us all.

"What do you want from me?" Aubree whispers beside me. She whispered it just loud enough for him to here her.

"I want you. End of discussion. Your coming back to Michigan or these two will get hurt." He says pointing to me and Ricky.

"No. I'm not going with you. Your not going to hurt them. Your a coward, you wouldn't do anything that would get you caught." She shouts angry.

"Watch me." He whispers evilly, before lifting the gun and pointing it at Ricky's chest, and he pulls something else out of this pocket. Another gun!?! Really?! You've got to be kidding me! I think to myself. I expect the gun to point at me, but he points the other gun at Aubree, who is now stood right beside Ricky.

"No. Please no." I whisper, still weak from being strangled just minutes ago.

"One of these guns are loaded, and one is not. I don't know which is which, I'm going to fire both and which ever goes, dies." he says, ignoring my pleads.

"Please point it at me." I whisper.

"No, I want to see what there going to do. They seem in love." He whispers looking down at me.

"Please, I love her, don't kill her." Ricky whispers, and you can see the tears in his eyes

"You have to listen to me. Please just kill me! Not my friends." I shout, using all the air in my lungs to yell.

"Ok let me think about it." He says.

"No dad. Don't touch them. This is between me and you." Aubree whispers just as desperate as me.

"No, it's not anymore. I know you've been told, and I know Ticky has been told, so it involves all of you. Get ready." He says, before laughing at our scared and crying faces.

"I love you guys. I'm sorry." Aubree whispers sobbing.

"It's not your fault. I love you too. I love you Ricky." I whisper, not having enough air still to talk any louder.

"I love you too Connor don't forget it. I love you so much Aubree, it hurts. I don't want to loose you. I love you baby." Ricky whispers before pressing one last kiss to Aubree's lips.

"Ok, enough of this bullshit. Now for the fun stuff." he whispers, "One... Two... Three..." at three I squeeze my eyes tight, and cover my ears, not wanting to see, or hear one of my best friends, or my sister dying.


(AN: Crying writing this.... :(( I had to leave it there! I'm sorry not sorry! Omg Comment who you think gets shot! Love you guys!!~Love Emily)

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