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"Ok. Do, it do you not like someone in this very house?" he asks smirking when he see's my blush.

"Uh. I-I do..." I answer not looking at him, looking at the door, still blushing.

"Who!?!" he asks now jumping up and down in his room now off the bed.



I sit and wait for his reaction, I mean I don't know how I would feel if my best friend liked my brother, and Ricky and Connor are like brothers.

"I knew it! What are you doing in here, go get him!" Connor yelled jumping up and down again, pulling me off the bed and towards the door.

"Wait. Connor, I can't... he doesn't like me like that. I'll never have a chance. I mean I'm not even pretty. I cut, or at least I use to. Who would like someone, let alone date someone like that. I mean it's a lot of work, my life is a mess. I don't want to drag him into my deep hole I've dug myself into. It would just make things worse, for all of us." I say coming to a stop giving Connor a sad smile at the end.

"Is that really what you think?" Con asks looking sad.

"I-I mean ya." I answer looking at the ground, before I feel Connor grab my hand and pull me out of his room and down the hall. We stop right in front of Ricky's room. Connor quickly opens the door and pulls me in with him. Ricky looks up from his computer, were he was editing his video for today and gives us a weird look.

"Can I help you guys with something?" he asks shutting his computer getting up standing in front of us.

"N-" I get cut of by Connor talking.

"Yes actually." I give Connor a shocked and confused look. He just ignores it. "Be totally honest with this ok?" Connor asks or more like tells him still holding my hand.

"Ok?" He answers just as confused as I am.

"Do you think Aubree is beautiful?" Connor asks and I blush and hide my face with my free hand since Connor won't let go of my other. He probably thinks I would run right out I the room. And if he does, he's correct.

"No..." he answers blushing and my face drops and I'm about ready to cry, see I new he didn't think I was pretty. I try to pull my hand out of Connor grip, Connor just holds it tighter looking shocked. I finally get my hand free and turn around to head out of the door when a hand grabs my arm and turns me around. I'm met by Ricky's face, we're standing so close I can feel his warm minty breath on my face. "I think your beyond gorgeous." he says with a smile. I start to cry and I feel Ricky pull me into his chest in a tight hug. I hear the door open and close, most likely Connor leaving. "What's wrong?" Ricky whispers brushing my hair as I cry into his chest.

"No one has ever said anything that sweet to me." I say back with a raspy voice from crying.

"Well you deserve it." he says back pulling away and whipping away my tears, luckily I wore water proof makeup.

"Thank you Ricky." I smile once I'm calmed down.

"You don't need to thank me, why don't we go for a walk, just me and you." he smiles.

"Sounds good lets go." I smile back he grabs my hand and I feel sparks shoot through my arm. I smile when I see him smile down at our hands. We walk down stairs still holding hands and put on our shoes and head outside. We begin to walk down the side walk, Ricky swinging our arms back and forth. We walk tell we get to a park, and I recognize it. It's the same park we went to on our first walk, when we fought about Ryan. We go and sit on the swings swinging back and forth, just talking, and laughing about everything. I stop swinging and stand up and walk towards a slide. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ricky get off too, following me. I go up the ladder, but Ricky stopped following me and is now standing at the end of the slide.

"Come on! I'll catch you." he says smiling holding his arms out. I smile and slide down tell I get to the end. As soon as I reach the end I feel his arms wrap around my waist, I quickly wrap my arms around his neck so he doesn't drop me, he lifts me off the slide and sets me down on my feet.

I look up to meet Ricky's eyes he's smiling, I smile back, blush, and quickly look away before he sees. I soon feel two fingers under my chin turning my head back. I look up into his eyes and see something in them I've seen a few times, but am not sure what is is yet. His eyes flicker down to my lips and linger there longer than they did before. He looks back up at my eyes and licks his lips. He steps closer, so our body's our pressed together, my arms still wrapped around his neck. He slowly dips his head and leans closer, I lean closer as well. Is he going to kiss me? We keep slowly leaning in tell I can feel his warm, minty breath on my face and lips. He looks down at my lips one more time before I close my eyes and he presses his warm lips to mine. Sparks shoot through out my body as I stand there shocked but then quickly react tightening my arms around his neck, moving our lips in sync. He tightens his arms around my waist pulling me closer still moving our lips in sync. I soon feel his tongue sweep over my bottom lip, but I just smile against his lips and pull away. I slowly open my eyes and see his looking down at me already, smiling so wide. I smile back.

"I have to tell you something." Ricky says still smiling.

(AN: Thank you all for 1k, I know I already wrote a thank you note, but I just want to thank you again! It's truly a dream come true! I love you guys. I hope you like this chapter I've been planing this chapter for a while but I'm glade I waited! It's kind of a bonus chapter for getting me to 1k :) Also sorry for updating so late haha it took forever to wright and edit! ~ Love Emily)

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