Can't Seem To Get Enough Of Hospitals

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My special reader is....... ChloeeReneee!!!


Ricky's POV.

I push it open, staring wide eyed, and terrified at the site in front of me. It doesn't take me long to snap out of it, and jump into action.

I quickly rush into the small bathroom, and wrap my arms around her, pulling her farther away from the pills, as she cry's harder.

"Please, please Ricky let me go." She whispers sobbing into my chest.

"No, I can't do that, I need you." I whisper, not being able to talk any louder, without my voice breaking.

"Please, I want to die!" She yells now pushing against my chest, as I pull her tighter to me.

"You-you can't leave me. You can't!" I yell back, in a full on sobbing mess.

"Connor!" I yell from the top of my lungs, not knowing how many she had already taken, hopefully none.


I sat in the hospital room with Connor, and Jenn. Connor hasn't stopped crying since we got here, neither Jenn. Me on the other hand, I don't know what I'm suppose to do. i can't cry, but I feel like I need to.

Everyone is here, but there all in the cafeteria, eating the discussing hospital food.

I've  been staring at the same dull, white wall since I sat down in a seat next to her bed. She hasn't moved since they pumped her stomach. She's sleeping, the doctors say she should be fine by tomorrow, physically, but not emotionally.

Why would she do this. She promised.


"Connor!" I yell from the top of my lungs, not knowing how many she had already taken, hopefully none.

After I yell, I pull her sobbing body closer, if possible, and listen to the quit sobs, and the loud stomping up the stairs.

"What?!" he yells, before he walks into the bathroom, and see's the mess.

"No. No. No .NO!" He shouts rushing over to us, quickly helpingme pull her shaking, sobbing body into my arms.

"What all the yelling-" Jc shouts up the stairs, right before we walk out of the bathroom, carying Aubree.

"No. She did it again? I'll drive." Jc rushes, befroe running off to get shoes on, before he run's out the door, with me and Connor right after.

"Here, put her in the back seat. You can sit back with her." Jc says to me, while we climb in the car as fast as we can. I lye her head on my lap, as she lays across the backseat, with me on the other side.

"I'm sor-ry." She stutters, before her eyes flutter shut, from most likely lose of blood.

"No. Aubree. Aubree! Wake up, stay with me! Jc, drive faster!" I shout.

"I'm driving as fast as I can."

I sit brushing her hair out of her eyes, before me phone vibrates in my pocket, causing me to jump a little, and quickly pull it out. The name Ki-Ki pops up on the screen, along with a ridiculous picture of Kian and I.

I slide my finger across the screen, to answer.

"Where are you?!" Kian's rushed words fill my ears.

"Heading to the hospital." I whisper, in a croaky voice.

"What? Wh- No." he stutter, cutting himself off halfway threw, realizing what had happened.

"Ki-an. She tried to kill herself. Why? I can't loose her. I ne-ed her." I whisper, tears streaming from my eyes.

"I'll be there soon. Stay strong." he whisper, and the last thing I hear is mumbleing, and a door slamming.


My horrid flash back soon ended when the door opened, and everyone came flooding in, along with a doctor. Fro the first time, I pull my eyes away from the wall, and look at the doctor, who is stood in the middle of the room

"Hello, I wanted to talk to you guys about options." she says calmly.

"What do you mean options?" Connor asks.

"Options, for Aubree. Since she is in such a bad place, I need someone, like a mom or dad, to make these decisions-" I cut her off, talking for the first time since we arrived.

"She doesn't have a mom, and her dad is in jail." I whisper, earning a sympathetic look from the doctor.

"Well,a brother?"

'I'm her brother." Connor whispers, before standing up.

"Okay, well you can put her in a rehab physicality, or you can try the home method again." She says.

"Okay, shew as doing fine with he home methods, before everything sort of went down hill. Maybe we can try it again, but if it doesn't work, rehab." He say, well more like questions.

"Most certainly. She could wake up anytime now, good luck." She says, before walking out of the room.

'Its my fault." Jenn whispers, breaking the silence.

"No, its not. Don't think that way." I say.

"Yes, it is! If she wouuldn't have found out i liked you, she wouldn't have broken up with you, and then- then she wouldn't be here!" Jenn shouts back at me.

"Stop! She wouldn't want you to think that!" I yell, just as loud as Jenn.

"I did this, I did this, I did this..." she keeps whispering over, and over again.

"No, Jenn you didn't." I whisper, grabbing my- um... Aubree's hand, holding it, before layingmy head on her bed, and closing my eyes,just enjoying the silence, and the memories that flood through my mind.

When she wakes up, I won't ever loose her again. I'll be by her side, until the day she dies, when she dies of old age, and not from this.

I want my Aubree back.


I must have fallen asleep, because then I wake up , its from a small hand shaking me. I quickly shout up,and look at the culprit. Aubree. She's awake.

"Ricky, why didn't you let me die." She whisper, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Because I love you too much to loose you. Especially now. We all need you, just as much as you need us." I whisper back, not wanting to wake Connor, or Jc. Everyone else must have left.

"I love you too Ricky." She whispers, before leaning in, pressing her now rough lips to mine.

This is the feeling I've been waiting for since she left me in the parking lot.

"Don't ever leave me."

"I won't."


Poor Jenn!

Aubricky kissed!


Thanks for 22.4k! Its unbelievable! I can't even...)

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