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"She's not coming." I said getting up ready to walk upstairs.

"What? Why not?" Jc asked looking sad. Why is he sad?

"She needs somewhere to stay." I said letting one tear escape. I was soon enclosed in a hug. What was weird was, it wasn't Connor or Ricky, it was Jc.

"She can stay here! Right guys, I mean we have another room!" Jc yelled pulling away from me.

"I don't no Jc, we don't know anything about her..." Kian said sounding unsure.

"Well we didn't know Aubree and she's here, plus I think it would be better if Aubree had her best friend with her!" Jc said getting excited.

"I agree with Jc, I think Aubree needs Cali right now." Con said looking at me and Jc who was smiling.

"I think it's a good idea!" Ricky said standing up.

"Ok.. If you guys think it's a good idea then I'm ok with it." Kian said. I started squealing and jumping. Jc, Connor and Ricky all hugged me at the same time.

"Come on Kian!" Ricky said letting go and pulling Kian off the coach dragging him over to us. Soon we were all hugging.

"Ok now you have to let go of me so I can call her!" I said trying to wiggle out of their grip. After they let go I got my phone from my back pocket again and dialed her number, and put her on speaker. Everyone was still standing around me as I held the phone. She picked up after four rings.

"Hello?" she said, but it didn't sound like her, her voice sounded emotionless and dull, kind of lifeless.

I put up three fingers... two... one... "Your coming to San Clemente!" we all shout in the phone.

"What how? I told you I don't have a-" Jc cut her off.

"You do now! The extra room here is all your!" He said excitedly. we all wait for her response. After a few minutes, I'm guessing she had to comprehend what we were saying, we heard the loudest scream I have ever heard. Wishbone went crazy, barking, growling, biting at our ankles.

"Are you serious?!" She shouts.

"No." Kian said, and we all try to hold back our laughter.

"Oh..." that's when we all break and start laughing. Since I was laughing so hard I fell over luckily Ricky caught me by my waist. I looked up into his beautiful eyes as he looks into mine. He soon pulls me back up so I'm standing on my own, I still have my phone in my hand. I look around and see everyone was looking at us with smirks, I immediately blush and look down.

I clear my throat and begin talking again, "we were joking, the rooms all yours!" I said excitedly.

"Oh my goodness! YASS!!! When I talked to my parents they said the soonest I could move out was in two weeks, so I guess I'll see you guys in two weeks?"

"Defiantly." Connor said.

"Bye! Talk to you guys later!" she shouts.

"Bye!" we all yell back.

"She seems nice." Ricky said.

"She is, trust me." I said and smile. "Well I think I'm going to walk Wishbone."

"I'll come with you, I can show you some places here." Ricky said walking to the door with me.

"Ok sure, sounds great." I said as I put my shoes on. I wait for him to put his on too. Then I grab Wishbone and his leash and hook him up to it and begin walking out the door with Ricky and Wishbone following me.

"I don't really know where were going so you can lead the way!" I said to him.

After walking around for about a half an hour we decide to head back home. I learned a lot more about Ricky than I new before. He also learned a lot about me.

"Can I ask you something?" Ricky asked.

"You just did, but ya sure." I said with a smirk.

"What happened with you and that guy Ryan?"

(AN: hey guys! Oh my gosh! I about had a heart attack yesterday when I was looking at how many reads I have! I hit over 200!!! AHHHHH!!! I never thought I would even get past like 40 reads and to see 200 that's like a dream. Thank you so much for the people who read this book and the people who have stuck with it so far, it means a lot! I also have like 28 votes!! I'm beyond happy right now! Thank you thank you thank you! I love you guys Vote/Comment and Share this with friends!~ Love Emily)

My Wish ☻ (ricky dillon)Where stories live. Discover now