Those Brown Eyes

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Aubrees POV

As I'm following Connor I mumble to myself "Next stop O2L house..."


When me and Connor pull into the drive way the first thing I do is look at the house. Zayummmm... they have a nice house! I get out of my old car and walk to the trunk to get my bags where Connor is already standing with 2 of my 3 bags.

"Connor, I can take them in it's nice enough your letting me stay here!" I yell at him and try to grab the bags, but he moves out of the way. Damn he's fast!

"No! I got them I didn't help you at grandmas, and feel bad about it."

"Ok! Fine." I say with a sigh and grab my smallest bag out of the trunk, shut it and lock it.

I started walking up the driveway when someone opened the door. I looked up and was met with the most beautiful brown eyes I have seen. I was so focused on those brown eyes that I didn't realize I was at the steps and I triped over the first step and fell... right on my butt. I burst out laughing so hard I was crying and I could here Connors giggles and Ricky's laughs too.

Once I calmed down I got up ad dusted my pants off. I graves my bag and made sure to actually walk up the steps this time. Once I get to the door Ricky is standing there with his hand held out toward me to shake.

"I'm Ricky. Nice to meet you! Are you Connor's girlfriend?" Ricky asked once we stopped shaking hands.

I once again burst out laughing, but this time Ricky wasn't laughing he looked rather confused which made me laugh even harder. Once I calmed down I shook my head and said "No! I am the furthest thing from Connor's girlfriend."

"Oh well then, if you don't mind me asking... um... how do you know each other?" he asked and looked nervous

"Umm... I need to go to the bathroom..." I said and rushed past Ricky upstairs in hopes of finding Connor so I could figure out what to say to everyone.

(AN: Ricky! He is in the book now!! YASSSS!!! Haha comment if you like it so far! I love the feed back! Love you guys!~Love Emily)

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