She Did It.

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(AN: Please read AN at end)
After everyone had asked twenty questions, I finally walked up to my room, laying down in the cold bed. Its not the same without her here with me.

You can hear Connors muffled sobs, as he sobs in his room. Everyone in the house is a wreck, and I feel like this is my fault. I know it's not, but it still feels like I could have done something.



Aubree's POV. (Surprise surprise hehe)


I can hear every little bit they say, in fact it's like I can hear them better.

I feel weird, I feel like I'm floating, like I'm super light. I can't open my eyes, you would think everything would be pitch black, but it's surprisingly not. Its almost a blinding, white light. Maybe this is what everyone talks about on TV shows. Don't go into the bright light they would say, but I don't want it to be the end. If this is the end, I would loose more than I would gain. I would hurt not only me, but everyone who loves me. I can't do that to them. I have to stay. I have to be with my family. They've been here for me, through thick and thin, so now I need to be there for them.

I try to pry my eyes open, but they won't budge. Come on! I yell at myself. Why won't you just open?! I decide to try a different rout. I try to move my hand. Nothing. Seriously? You can't do one thing? I ask myself.

I lay for a few minutes trying to think of a new plan, when the door opens. I'm not sure who it is since I can't see.

"Hey Aubree, everyone is coming to see you later today, and by everyone I mean EVERYONE." he say, and just by the sound of his voice I want to answer, tell him I love him, or even just that I can hear him.

He softly places his hand in my, still unmoving palm, squashing (AN: Best auto-correct mistake ever! It was suppose to say squeezing hahaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaa) lightly. "I love you, Aubree. Please come back to me. I really need you. Connor really needs you. Cali really needs you. Everyone really needs you. Please. We're all a wreck without you. We need you. I ne-ed you." That was all it took, one little crack of his voice, and I was able to lightly squeeze my hand, but just barely.

"Aubree?" Ricky whispers.

"No stop, your just making things worse for yourself Ricky. God, I'm so stup-" I cut off his rant by squeezing my hand around his, this time a little bit harder.

"Oh my g-od Aubree." He whispers, his voice cracking again, I begin to feels tear drops fall on my hand, then my cheek, as his warm lips press to my cheek, in a soft kiss. "I love you."

"Doctor!" Ricky shouts, squeezing my hand, as if saying sorry for shouting. I hear the door swing open, and feet hit the ground as he makes his way over to me.

"She, she squeezed my hand." he stutters.

"That's normal Ricky, it's often the nervous in their body acting up, not them."

"No, I didn't believe it was her, I thought I was just imagining things, so I began to rant, kinda like I am now, and she did it again, as if to say stop, she was here, it was real, I wasn't imagining things." He tells the doctors gripping onto my hand for dear life.

"She can show you." he says letting go of my hand, soon his hand was replaced with a much rougher one.

"Please Aubree, if you can hear me, squeeze his hand." he whispers.

They wait,

And wait,

And wait,

And I try,

And try,

And try,

But nothing works.

"It seems it was just her nerves sir, I'm sorry." The doctor says getting ready to let go of my hand.

"No, it can-n't be! She did it, I know she did!" he yells, his voice cracking, and that's what made me grip the doctors hand just as he let go.

I hear the doctor gasp, and Ricky stop his sniffling.

"See! She's doing it!" Ricky yells happily.

"Aubree, if you can hear us, squeeze my hand." and I do.

"Maybe I was wrong, I think she can hear us." The doctor says.

"I know she can." Ricky whispers.

(AN: Hey!! I Updated! Yayayayayay!!!Please stay with my story, I know I don't update as much as I did when I started, but I have a lot on my plate right now, and I don't want to write when I'm in a bad mood, because then the chapter will be bad, and then I'll loose people. I love you guys so much, and I don't want to loose you guys because I don't update every day, I at lease update every week. I'm super sorry, please forgive me.~Love Emily)

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