Another Moment Ruined

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'Hey I just want to say how sorry I was for earlier. Please don't be mad at me I honestly just want to help. I understand if you don't want to talk to me after the way I talked to you but I just wanted to say, I'm so sorry for that I don't know why I got that mad. Night xx~ R'

I quickly type back 'I'm not mad. I understand you just want the best for me. Of course I still want to talk to you! You are one of my closest friends. It's ok I probably would have acted the same if I was in the same place. Goodnight Ricky xx~ A'

~two weeks later~

Cali's coming today! Nothing happened over those two weeks besides me and Ricky going back to normal, and Conor and I getting closer. I also got closer to Jc and Kian, but I'm still not as close to them as I am to Ricky and Connor. Cali won't be here tell later, so me and Ricky are going out and buying things for her room and a few for mine too since I never got anything when I came. From Cali's room back in Michigan, she's having her bed and dresser shipped out here. The rest of her small things fit in suitcases. She gave me a list of things I needed to get for her room.

(Color's- yellow and black)
-bookshelf (doesn't have to be big)
-desk (for work when I fine a job haha!)
-baskets (for makeup, pen's, ect.)
-close line hooks
-yellow fairy lights (if you can fin them)
- yellow desk lamp
-black stool
-yellow paint!!!
-black sparkly curtains
-yellow or black or both bed spread
-black shelf I can hang

She said if she missed anything she would head back to the store. So right now that is where Ricky and I are headed!

"Do you know what you want?" He asked not looking away from the road.

"Um I know a few things but I'm not sure if I actually want to get them." I said as I pursed my lips thinking of how I want to do my room. I know I want to paint it.

"Cool, so your just winging it?"

"Yep! Basically! The only thing I'm for sure about is paint and spray paint." I said looking at him.

"Spray paint?" he asked confused. I just smirked and said a quick you'll see before we got to the nearest place that has furniture and paint.

"You have her list, right?" he asked looking down at me, since I'm so much shorter than him.

"Yep it's in my phone!"

"Alright! Let's shop tell we drop!" Ricky yelled in his best girly voice before running into the store. I quickly cased after him, finding him getting a cart.

"Ok let's get paint first since that's at the front of the store." He said leading the way. "What color does she want?" he asked when we got there.


"What do you want?" he asked looking back at me.

"Pink and purple paint, and pink, dark pink, purple, then a darker purple, and a white spray paint." I said with a smile.

"Ok then." he says and grabs a bright yellow and a pink. I grab a purple paint and we put them in the cart and head to the next isle, which has spray paint. He grabs white and pink while I grab purple and a darker purple. I also grab two face masks that were in that isle.

"Where to next?" I asked Ricky, looking around.

"Probably furniture." I just nod my head and follow him. Once we get there I immediately spot one for my room, it's purple and small but most of my books are on my phone anyway. I grab the box and put it in the cart and begin looking for one for Cali. I finally see a bright yellow one and try to grab it but I'm to short.

"Here, I'll get it." Ricky says from behind me I turn around and am met by hit chest. He is standing on his tippy-toes to get the box while I'm trapped in between him and a shelf. Once he gets it he put it in the cart, but still hasn't moved, and turns around and looks me in the eyes. We both just stand there staring into each others eyes for what felt like the longest time. Our moment was soon ruined when the intercom when off asking for an employee to come up front, Ricky was the first to snap out of it and step so he was no longer trapping me against the shelf.

"Uh sorry." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"No it's ok." I said and smiled at him

"Ok um let's finish up shopping." he said smiling back and leading us to our next destination.

After about an hour and a half me and Ricky successful got everything we needed. It's now 12:30 and I'm really hungry.

"Do you want to grab something on the way home?" Ricky asked as we were putting everything in the back of his car.

"Ya sure, I'm starved." I said with a little laugh, I heard him chuckle too.

"Alright where do you want to drive threw?" He asked getting in the car with me following him.

"I'm not really sure what they have around here still..." I said, all I new of was taco bell.

"Well there's McDonald's, Taco Bells, Arby's-" be fore he could even finish I new my answer.

"ARBYS!!!" I shout and jumping up and down in my seat.

"Sounds like were going to Arby's!" Ricky said with a smile, keeping his eyes on the road.

We drove while we ate. When we got home we put the things in the rooms, we didn't put anything together because we still need to paint, and don't want paint on them. I was sitting in my room reading a book when I head a knock on my door. I open it to see Jc standing there.

"When is Cali coming?" he asked seeming nervous. Why is he nervous?

"Around 3:30, why?"

"Oh I was just wondering and shouldn't we go to the airport around now then?"

"Oh shootity shoot shoot it's 2:30! I hav-" I cut myself off remembering something. "Wait... We?" I ask Jc.

"Oh I was thinking we could all go surprise her. And did you just steal one of Joey Graceffa's lines?" he said seeming nervous again. I blush after realizing I said shootity shoot shoot.

"What's the real reason?" I ask knowing he's lying.


"Your lying" I state.

"No I'm not." he said stomping his foot.

"Yes you are and we aren't leaving tell you tell me." I state, standing my ground.

"Fine," he says with a sigh "me and Cali have been texting ever since the day you went to the hospital, and I think I might have feelings for her... But I'm not sure yet." he says blushing.

"So that's who your always texting!" I shout.


"That's cute, she's amazing and gorgeous. You'll love her, but we need to go! Like now!" I yell the last part practically running out of the house with Jc following me.

"By the way I was lying about the I there's coming." Jc said with a sheepish smile.

"I kind of fingered, now let's go!" I yell, the whole ride there Jc was singing, 'off to the airport for Cali we go' over, and over, and over again. Oh boy, this boy really does like her.

(AN: hey guys!! How are you? if you guys ever need anyone to talk to message me on here, I'm always on here! I would love to help! AHHHH!!! Jc admitted his feelings!! Eep!! And... Ricky and Aubree had another moment!! Eep! :p Also there ship name is Aubricky, thanks to OliviaSchuette! Go read her book! It's really good! Vote/Comment/Share with friends~ Love Emily)

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