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"Oww!"I hear from behind me, it sounds familiar. I turn around and see...

Ricky holding his head. Oopsy. I rush over I him and put my hand over his hand that is on his head which is weird since I'm really short and he is really tall, and say "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! I didn't know anyone was behind me. Are you ok?"

"Ya, I'm ok it was just a dime but where were you planing on throwing it? To the moon? That was a really hard throw!" He says laughing and rubbing his head, I took my hand off his head before it got awkward.

"No I just wanted to make a wish in the wishing fountain... did it make it in?" I ask with a laugh.

"Ya, after it bounced off my head!" he said laughing.

"Oops." I say with a sheepish smile and laugh.

"It's ok I know you didn't mean to hit me in the head I was just at the right place at the right time," he says with a little laugh "where's Jenn and Andrea?"

"Oh they went in a store but I wanted to make a wish so I went over here. They said they would meet me here when they were done, where's Con, Jc, and Kian?" I ask looking around for them.

"They went looking for you guys in a different direction, I should probably text them to meet us over here." He said and pulled out his phone to I'm guessing text them. We wait a few minuets of silence, not awkward silence but comfortable silence, then Andrea and Jenn come out each holding another bag. Shortly after they get to us and show us what they got we hear a loud scream. I jump and whip around to see Kian screaming and running toward us. Why is he screaming? Because it's Kian. I can see Jc and Connor a little farther behind Kian. Once Kian reaches us he hugs Andrea. Once again, they are so cute!

"Hey what happened to your forehead?" Jc asked Ricky and picked his bruise on his forehead. Me and Ricky look at each other and burst out laughing tell our stomachs hurt. Once we calm down, we look at out friends and see them giving us confused looks.

"I was making a wish in the wishing fountain and I hit Ricky in the head by accident." I say and every one laughed.

"You must have thrown it hard!" Connor giggled.

"She did, at first I thought she was trying to throw it somewhere else because it was so hard. If it wouldn't have bounced off my head I don't think it would have made it in, I think it would have went past it!" Ricky said laughing again.

"We should get home it's already 5:30 we spent like the whole day here, but we should drive threw Taco Bell." Jc said

"YASS!! Taco Bell!" Ricky and me shout at the same time, we look at each other and laugh. We all walk out of the mall and head to our cars. Once Andrea, Jenn and I get to our cars we put our things in the back and get in. When we get to the drive threw we can see the guys sharada of us, they are always ahead of us! When it was our turn we order, I got a Doritos locos taco and an order of nachos and a pop. Once we got them we began to eat them in the car since we were all pretty hungry. We finished our food before we even got home. Of course the guys were there first and already in the house so we grab my things and take them in to my room. After everything was in my room and put away we went down stairs, the guys were playing Mario Cart, and it looks like Ricky is winning. They didn't notice us yet so I walked in and screamed from the top of my lungs. I started laughing after seeing ther reactions. Jc fell out of the spiny chair and looked up at me confused. Connor threw his in the air and jumped up off the couch. Kian just looked over at me and laughed. Ricky was the funniest, he threw his Wii-mote behind him and jumped up off the couch, but he has socks on so he slipped and fell on his butt. Andrea and Jenn were just laughing, I told them what I was doing upstairs. I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face and my stomach hurt.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, I thought you were like dying!" Connor shouted but laughed.

"Sorry, I had to see your reaction, and it was pretty funny!" I said calming down.

"My butt hurts." Ricky said frowning but laughing. I just laughed.

"I think I'm going to bed I'm tired from the previous events..." I said not looking at anyone. I hear 'goodnight' or 'night' from everyone and walk up to bed.

My wrists begin to itch and I contemplate weather or not I am going to cut again. I think about the promise I made and text Connor to come up to my room. After about 5 minutes I hear a knock on my door "come in!" I yell.

"Hey what up?" Connor asks sitting on my bed.

"I don't know what to do Con, I- I want to cut, but I don't want to anymore... I want to stop but it's so hard I have been doing it since I was 12, eight years Connor, eight years." I said starting to cry a little bit.

"Hey don't cry I will help you you are beautiful, smart, talented, and so much more don't worry about what other people think, I don't know why you started cutting, but what I do know is that you don't deserve what you have been threw. I love you and I would do anything for you, so would the guys and Jenn and Andrea." Connor said hugging me.

"Thank you Connor I'm really trying to get better." I said calming down. "you can go back down stairs with your friends now."

"Hey there your friends too." he said with a smile and got up and left.

I put on some pj's and got in my warm bed. Within minutes I was asleep.

"Your worthless no one will ever want to date you" Ryan said slapping me. "Your ugly, fat, and a slut. You don't deserve me."

"Stop please stop!" I scream but he doesn't stop.

"Aubree! Wake up!" I hear someone yell. I quickly jolt awake and grab the person who woke me, sobbing and shaking in their arms. They pull me on there lap and make 'shh' noises "Hey it's ok it's just a bad dream." I finally look up and see it Ricky.

"How did you know I was having a bad dream?" I ask calming down.

"I could hear you screaming for someone to stop, I thought someone was in here." Ricky said rocking me back and forth.

"Thank you."

"No problem, well I should get back to my room it's 2:30." Ricky said sliding me off his lap and getting up getting ready to walk toward the door but I grab his hand ignoring the sparks.

"Please stay." I beg trembling. He just nods.

"Were do you want me to sleep?" Ricky asks looking around my room.

"In the bed is fine, I won't make you sleep on the floor." I say as I crawl back up and tuck myself in the covers. Soon I feel the bed dip and the covers lift. Ricky gets in and gets comfortable, once he is comfortable I roll on my side, and drift off to sleep.

(AN: I was typing on the 6 hour train ride but forgot to update it... A lot happened in this chapter! Hopefully I will get another chapter up this week but I'm not positive though... Anyway vote/comment and share this!)

My Wish ☻ (ricky dillon)Where stories live. Discover now