Meeting Andrea and Jenn

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(AN: not edited)


"Ok guys so you guys are probably wondering who this is, this is Aubree my sister..." After Connor said finished the look on their faces were a mix between confusion, hurt, and excitement. "She is staying here for a while I hope that's ok because she has no where else to go, her mom is gone... and her dad is the one who killed her. She needs to be here with me. Aubree just found out today that I was actually her brother, 2 days ago right after everything happened our grandma told her that she had a brother and Aubree took it as a step-brother but we are actually blood related. She didn't even know she was related to me tell two days ago because her step-dad told her mom that she couldn't tell Aubree. So she never did. Aubree grew up thinking here step-dad was here dad and she never new about me. I couldn't tell her either because that put me in danger. Our parents had an agreement that I was to live with our dad and Aubree, our mom. Now she knows and is safe and here with me." Connor finished and looked at his friends shocked faces waiting to see who would talk first.

"What!" screamed Jc, "I thought you were Connors friend!"

"I didn't know if Connor would want to tell you guys I was his sister so I kept it a secret tell I talked to Connor." I said and played with my fingers I then looked and Ricky "that's why I said I had to go to the bathroom I wanted to talk to Connor, but then I got lost and walked into Jc's room."

"Ok... wait so let me get this straight, you and Aubree are brother and sister?" Kian asks looking very confused.

"Yep that about it!" Connor said excitedly, stood up walked over to me and pulled me into a big hug, "I know you barely know me but I love you Aubree."

"I love you too Con. You are my brother after all and you did give me a place to stay. Thank you." I said and pulled away and smiled up at him, he smiled down at me.

"Aw! Brother and sister moment!" Jc yelled.

I just laughed and looked at the guys who I would now be living with. I'm really surprised I didn't flip out when I met them!

"By the way I like your shirt!" Ricky said with a smirk a looked down because I forgot which shirt I was wearing, I then realize what shirt I'm wearing and blush

"Andrea asked if we all wanted to go to the mall, she wants to meet Aubree." Kian asked everyone.

There were choruses of 'yeahs' and 'sure's' threw-out the room. I walk and sit in between Connor and Ricky.

"Andrea is Kian's girlfriend if you didn't know." Ricky said and looked at me.

"Oh I know." I said Ricky looked at me funny and I relize how weird that sounded, "I mean I watch her YouTube videos, so I know who she is!"

Ricky just laughed and looked at the Tv. I decided to go change into cooler clothes since I was still in my clothes that I had on when I got here. I walk up the stairs and into my room and head to my closet. I pull out some Holister shorts and I keep my t-shirt on and out concealer over my cuts. Then I put on a bunch of bracelets to make sure they are completely covered then I walk out since I already did my hair and the ready if my makeup earlier. Once I get down the stairs I here a girl talking. I walk into the living room where the voice is coming from and I see everyone is in there including Andrea and Jenn, also known as jennxpenn. I start to freak out on the inside, I'm trying to contain myself from screaming.

"This is Aubree, my sister!" Connor says excitedly.

"Wait what?" Jenn says obviously confused.

"You don't have a sister..." Andrea says confused too I'm guessing Kian told her I was Connors friend.

"I'll explain everything later it's to much to explain right now plus I literally just did like 15 minutes ago." Connor says with a little sass.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you I'm Andrea and this is Jenn!" Andrea says and pulls me into a hug, I hug her back them when we let go Jenn pulls me in for a hug also. I mentally flip out. Am I really touching Andrea Russett and jennxpenn?!?

"Yes, yes you are." Jenn says with a smirk

"Oh did I say that out loud?" I ask and blush. Everyone laughs and we walk out to the car but not before I grab my phone and money. We take two cars Ricky's and Andrea's in Ricky's car is Connor, Jc, Ricky, and Kian. In Andrea's it's Jenn, Andrea, and me.

"So are you staying at the O2L house?" Jenn asked after a few minutes of silence

"Ya I have no where else to go so Connor offered me one of the spare rooms." I say and play with the brackets on my wrists

"What about your parents?" Andrea askes

"Umm... well my mom is gone," I say and my eyes begin to well up with tears, "and my step dad is the one who killed her." I whisper the last part silently praying they didn't hear it but I know they did because I could hear there gasps. A single tear fell down my cheek as we stop at a red light. I hear a car seats unbuckle and then I feel people sitting next to me I look up and realize we pulled in to McDonald's. I look to my right and see Jenn and I look to left and see Andrea. I begin to cry again as I get pulled into hugs by both Andrea and Jenn. After about 5 minutes I came down and realize I probably look a wreck, but they don't seem to care.

"I'm so sorry we had no clue." Andrea says looking guilty.

"No you didn't know! It's ok I'm safe now and far away from him he lives in Michigan so he shouldn't be able to find me here but thank you both for being here. I have only ever had three people who have ever cared about me and that was my grandma and I could only talk to her over the phone I never actually got to see her, my mom and well she's gone, and my best friend Cali and I had to leave her back in Michigan..."

"I am so sorry that you had to go threw all of this but I can promise you now that you have Connor, Kian, Ricky, Jc, Sam, Trevor, even if you haven't met them yet they will love you, Andrea, and me. Plus we have other friends who I'm sure would love to meet you as soon as they know who you are." Jenn says to me

"Thank you, it really means a lot," I say and smile "I probably look like a wreck from crying."

"Here do you want me to help you?" Andrea asks looking at me

"If you want... Do you have makeup in here?"

"Of course the foundation and concealer probably won't match but that didn't come off so we are good there. But we need to hurry, the boys are probably waiting."

After about 10 minuets she tells me to look in the mirror. I'm shocked I look so different but good different. "You have to show me how to do this!"

"Ok will do" she laughs and goes back to the front to drive. Jenn just stays in the back.

"Off to the mall we go!" Jenn screams excitedly.

(AN: Hey guys! so another Update this week! I'm on a roll! Anyway I am going to try to update again soon but no promises. O2L took this week off :( but I guess they all kind if needed it... Anyway please vote and comment or as I say vomment!~ Love Emily :))

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