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A/N: Song "Dear No One" by Tori Kelly. 


The night had slipped away. How long had it been since the last time I'd felt like this? Have I ever felt this way before at all? This is a new beginning, right? Why does it feel more like the end? The end of everything I am used to and the end of everything I ever hoped for. So many events led to this point in my life and I'm honestly terrified of what is yet to come.

When the alert is given, I can't help but smile. This is what I have been waiting for. I run toward the door. However, we aren't at this point in the story just yet. Our story began some time ago.

As most stories, mine starts with a change and what a change it is.

4:30 AM... I open my eyes to the hideous sound that dares wake me up so early. Just kidding. The alarm is in radio mode. The song is pretty cool. Great, now I'm going to end up hating all popular music thanks to this brilliant idea.

I stretch on my bed not bothering standing up or turning off the alarm. Whatever I should do can't be more important than my beauty sleep. Alex burst through my bedroom's door looking annoyed. "Anna! Your radio has been blasting rock for almost an hour now!"

"Sorry, I swear it was pop when I set the station yesterday." I throw him a pillow.

"Very mature. That is not the point! You have a plane to catch in... two hours." His voice was alarmed but I'm too sleepy to care.

"Do I really have to go? Can't I just stay with you forever? I love your cooking." I pull the sheet over my face.

"Two words little sister, your mate."

I spring out of my bed before he can even finish that sentence. My mate! Just the thought of him or her made a silly smile appear on my face. I'll find you my dear mate and when I do it, I'll love you, and treasure you and steal your food and your hoodies. I laugh at my own ramble.

I get in the shower and shiver as the cold water stung my skin. I should've waited for the water to warm up. But, how could I? It's been over a year since I started looking for my mate. I should've started since I was eighteen, but I had much growing to do, I still have. I can't believe I'm moving away from my family.

My biological parents died were when I was a kid and a human couple raised me. Even though they were not in the best financial situation, my human parents took me in and loved me as their own child. Gosh, I'll miss them so much.

I walk out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I take my toothbrush from the vanity and put some toothpaste on it. My mind is clouded with thoughts. My life is about to change.

It's just as the day I shifted for the first time. Hopefully, it won't be as traumatic. I grew up without the knowledge that I'm a werewolf. I ran away from home in fear of hurting my human family when I shifted for the first time, foolishly getting myself deep into rogue territory.

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom. My gaze lands on the family portrait on my nightstand. I pick it up and smile at the picture. My adoptive werewolf parents, Alex and I were wearing ugly Christmas sweaters.

I'm so lucky for being found and adopted by the Alpha of the Silver Fang Pack. I chuckle. I should take this picture with me.

Alex came into my room again. I clutch my towel and throw him another pillow. "I'm getting dressed over here!"

He mumbles something along the lines of "like I would want to look at that..." and takes my bags downstairs. I finish getting ready and sadly miss breakfast to be on time for my flight.

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