Chapter 1: I Love your Perfume

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Again, I ignore my alarm clock. Yesterday was a busy day. I finished organizing the small studio I got near the high school and somewhat near the pack house. I brought just the essentials with me.

The rest of my things will be arriving by the end of the week, which means more work. The Luna insisted that I should also have a room at the pack house, so I can stay there sometimes and interact with other pack members. 

I stayed at my apartment last night, with the excuse of being closer to work. As I drift back to sleep, I receive a phone call. I slid my finger across the phone's screen to answer.


"Rise and shine! Sweetheart!" My best friend says.

"Anna! I hope that you are at least brushing your teeth and ready to go!" Alex says.

My brother and my best friend are mates. It gets so weird sometimes, like when she insists on revealing too much information about my own brother that I definitely don't need to know.

"I'm not going today... Too sleepy to exist..." My voice comes muffled by my pillow.

"You have to go!" Elena says.

"Why?" I whimper.

"Because you are the teacher! What about with being a responsible adult?" Alex sounds annoyed, as usual.

"I said I was going to be a responsible adult OUTSIDE of my apartment. My bed if fair game." Now, I am annoyed.

"Your... Mate..." they say at the same time.

"Oh shoot! Look at the time! I'm gonna be late because of you." I jump out of my bed and make my way to the bathroom. They laugh and wish me good luck before hanging up.

I take a shower before putting on the clothes I chose for the occasion: a plain black blazer and skirt and a red shirt to boost my mood. When I am nervous, I wear something red. This is my lucky charm. It helps me feel confident and relax. I put on my pumps to at least attempt to have an average height, run out of my apartment--making sure of locking the door--and get in my car, Alex's surprise gift for me.

I'm walking through the hallways and the pumps didn't work. I'm still a few inches shorter than most students, my figure and my face aren't helping either. I look like one of them! I'm hoping that the stares from the students and other faculty members are for my great fashion sense, but who am I kidding? They probably think I'm a freshman who misinterpreted the school's dress etiquette.

I keep my head high, though, a practiced smile on my face and my 'confident' walking. I get into the teacher's lounge. They don't look amused.

"Hello, my name is Anna, the new teacher. I am new into town and I hope to get along with all of you."

The stares intensify. The teachers look at me with something that seems like annoyance. Yeah, I'm not a pack member, get over it. I guess this is going well. I don't let my smile falter. Another teacher that looked around my age made eye contact with me and then approached me.

"Hello! I am Sandra, nice to meet you." She smiles brightly and shakes my hand.

"Hi, my pleasure." I give her a relaxed smile.

"Do you know your classroom?" she asks.

"I do know, but I am not sure how to get there." I look at the floor, a little bit ashamed.

"Say no more! I am taking you there!" She grabs my hand and pulls me through the hallways which are nearly empty.

"You are also new in the pack, right?" she asks while we walk towards my classroom.

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