Chapter 19: Good Talk

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I'm at the pack house playing video games with Matt and Samuel when Chris saunters into the living room with two girls.

"What are you doing here?" asks Matt scowling.

"Last time I checked this is the pack house and I'm still part of this pack, dirty omega."

Matt's fists clench but he doesn't answer. It's miraculous how Matt has managed not to murder Chris in his sleep. I wouldn't try to stop him if he tried.

"Chris knock it off," I say.

Chris grits his teeth but his angry expression is soon replaced by a smug one. "Want to have some fun, Alpha? I can share."

"No, I'm fine."

"Don't come with that bullshit now. Do you really expect us all to believe you magically turned into a good mate just because some stupid girl told you that you are her mate?"

I pause the game and turn to him. "No, I don't but I have a good reason to at least try."

"I don't see her anywhere here. You just need to convince her that you changed. What's the problem?"

"If you haven't noticed, I already tried that, even before knowing she is my mate." I chuckle. "I even took girls to the Alpha house instead of here so she wouldn't find out. It's like she has some sort of radar to find me in the worst situations."

Samuel and Matt laugh. "That's just fate, dude."

"That and my idiot friends who can't stand guard and warn me that she's coming to my room." I glare at each of them.

Samuel shrugs. "If it's because of that one day, she was supposed to be busy and we tried."

"She threatened with homework. Enough said."

I stare up at Chris. "I'm not risking it. I already fucked up enough. I need her to love me."

"You don't even love her."

"That isn't the point."

"And people say I'm the heartless one." Chris leaves with the girls, to his room most likely. "Tell me when you give up in your sorry attempts to woo her. That'd make it easier for the both of us."

He just can't deal with not getting everything his way. That's the reason we understand each other so well after all. The guys and I go back to the game. That until Matt pauses it again and looks at me with a slight frown on his forehead.

"You aren't usually the one to deceive people," says Matt. "She's good. Power isn't everything there is."

Apparently, Matt isn't the only frustrated therapist as Samuel soon follows his lead. "Really, man. Intentions matter. You should treat her right because you love her, not because you need her."

I scoff. "What are you now? Dr. Phil apprentices? I do love her, probably." Those knowing looks they are throwing at me are the most annoying thing ever. "Okay. I may not be doing this because of my devote heart, but isn't it better than how I acted before?"

"I can't deal with you right now. I've got somewhere to be." Matt sighs and leaves the room. He's been storming out like a dramatic teenager for a while now. It doesn't suit him.

Samuel runs his hand through his hair and looks away from me. "I hope that you understand what you are doing. The truth always comes out at the end. I just say that--"

Oh, gosh. Not him too. I spring out of the couch. "Good talk. Thank you. I'm going for a run now. Bye."

I walk out of the house, strip down, leave my clothes by a tree and shift in my wolf. I'm trying my best. I run faster and faster. Why do they have to judge everything I do? Finally, I sprint until I reach the river at the south limit of my territory.

I glance at my wolf in the quiet river. It makes for a good mirror. My wolf is larger than average, as an Alpha should be. However, I'm not the strongest wolf out there. There's nothing special about my pack. We are a lucky pack with a lot of lands, a remnant of our former glory, but that's it. 

Is it that wrong to want my mate to love me? I want her.

Alpha wolves are much more powerful when they are mated to their destined mate, but only if she's strong as well. The other option is to be mated to a female wolf with Alpha blood. That's why, to avoid conflict, Alpha families usually only have one pup which almost always is a male; There is not much hope of finding an unmated Alpha female.

If Anna rejects me like she almost did a couple of nights ago, my wolf will never be stronger and I won't be able to help my pack as much as I want to. Almost every Luna I've met is more like a liability than a leader. I could count with two hands how many of them can actually fight and protect themselves. However, Anna would make a great leader. 

She's strong, doesn't let things get under her skin and can be tough and loving at the same time. She's just what I want in my Luna. If I had known who she is from the beginning, I wouldn't be in this situation now.

As I'm lost in thought a large silver wolf tackles me and pins me down. I bare my teeth and growl ready to fight but my eyes meet those beautiful golden eyes and nothing else matters anymore. I relax under this beautiful wolf's touch. 

It wiggles its tail and licks my nuzzle and my whole face. This wolf doesn't smell like a rogue but I can't mindlink it. It smells like a female, a very strong female.

Wait... This is her scent. There's only one person around that could be this wolf. I close my eyes and expose my neck, against which she nuzzles up. I could stay like this forever.

After a while of cuddling in silence, I shift back to talk to her. As soon as she sees me in my human form, she stumbles back.


She howls lowly, more like whistling and takes off.

I shift back to catch her but it doesn't matter how much I push myself, I can't catch up with her. How can she be so fast? I stop running and stay there, just looking at the tracks she left. "Wow..." I lie down taking in the scent she left. 

After having her so close, her absence makes me lonely. I shake off the alien feeling that had crept into me and run toward the Alpha's house. Homework awaits me. Yay.

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