Chapter 6: I Regret Nothing

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A/N: Song "The Worst Hangover Ever," by The Offspring. 


I wake up in my room in the pack house with a killer headache, my whole body sore. How did I get here? My heart rate increases as I check the spot next to me in the bed and look down myself. I'm alone and still dressed in the previous night's clothes. No sex happened, good. Thank Moon Goddess. I relax.

I stumble out of the bed to find a glass of water and ibuprofen on the nightstand. I take a sip of the water remembering that one time my drunk self-thought it would be so funny to leave a glass of vodka for my sober self the next day. My drunk self is an asshole. This time, it's water.

I take the pill and drink the water eagerly. I walk to the bathroom and bit back a scream at the sight of my face. I look like an ugly raccoon!

No point in worry about that now. I get myself into the shower and let the water run down my body, calming me down. I close my eyes and bits of last night flash behind my eyes, from meeting the handsome stranger in the bar to having Caleb holding my hair while threw my dignity along with my food in the toilet bowl. I told him that I love him. Oh, my--

Someone kill me now! Please...

'I regret nothing,' says Larentia.

Of course, you don't... I, on the other hand, will never leave this shower ever again.

'Suit yourself.' She chuckles.

Like on cue my stomach growls. The smell of food coming from the kitchen reached my nose. Oh, that bacon smells delicious. Marcy said that some pack members cook breakfast for everyone every morning.

Ok, I'll go get breakfast and then to my apartment! I put on some comfy clothes and light makeup to not look like a living dead.

When I get to the kitchen, there are only a couple of teenage and young adult pack members having breakfast in the dining room. Some of them are eating at the kitchen counters. Oh! right, Marcy did mention that most of the wolves in the pack house were unmated, as mated couples preferred to get their own places.

"Hello everyone..."

"Anna! Hi!" Kathlyn pulls me into a hug.

Kathlyn or Kathe, for short, is a nineteen-year-old energetic and sweet she-wolf, who has become very fond of me after I comforted her the day I found her crying by the staircase. She's also one of the few female pack members who hasn't slept with Caleb. Just with that, she won me over.

Ugh, my head. I wince and put my right hand on my forehead and close my eyes for a moment.  "How are you doing? Kathe?"

"I'm good..." She looks at me from head to toe. "Wow, girl you look great. Did you have a rough night?" she grins.

"I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic right now, so I'll take that as a compliment."

She chuckles. "I won't keep you away from your food any longer."

I go get a plate with food and some orange juice. Of course, there's Caleb with his friends and one girl by each side. One of them is pecking his cheek and the other is kissing his neck while he talks to Samuel and Chris. 

Curse Alex for teaching me manners. I could pretend I don't remember, but I wasn't raised like that. He helped me out so I owe him a big thank you. I put my food on the counter and walk up to the group.

"Hello, Mr. King."

He breaks a kiss with one of the girls. "Hello, Anna. How are you feeling today?"

The girl glares at me. I swear these girls need to learn to respect their elders. Elders, yeah. That.

"Like shit... Anyway, thank you for helping me out yesterday and for the water."

"Take it as my thanks for overlooking the supply closet incident," he says in a flat tone before turning to kiss the girl by his left.

Of course, he didn't do it because he cares. What was I thinking? I turn around and go eat my food. My cell phone starts ringing.

It's Elena. I reluctantly pick up. Here comes the nagging.

'Hey girl! How's my best friend in the whole world doing?' Elena yelled.

'Ouch. There's no need to yell. I'm okay.' I lean on the counter and start eating my food right there.

'Bitch, What the fuck? you promised that you would stop partying, drinking and hooking up with random guys!' The whole room falls silent. These nosy kids.

'I have a cold... A cold! What are you, my mom?'

Now, they are chuckling. I hope you're all enjoying the show, I want to yell, but I just roll my eyes.

'Yeah and I'm a virgin. What happened? Don't spare the details.'

'I'm having breakfast at the pack house. I'll call you when I get to my apartment. Talk to you later.' I take a sip of my orange juice.

'Wait! You're probably gonna receive his call soon, so I need to tell you something.'

'His call? Who are we talking about again?' I arch one eyebrow and put a hand on my hip even though Elena can't see me.

'If you're holding something, eating or drinking liquids I'm warning you now.' 

I gulp. 'Okay, I'm cool. Talk.'

'Oliverisback...' she says too fast for me to understand.

'What? repeat that?'

'Oliver is back and he's asking for you!' Elena yelled.

Maybe it's because of the hangover or the memories but a sharp pain extended through my whole body. It takes me some time to be able to talk. Oliver came back. I thought he hated me. He should hate me. Why is he asking for me?

'Anna? Are you there?'

I choke with my own saliva and start coughing hysterically, then my legs give up and I sink to the floor. I embraced my legs with one hand, resting my forehead on my knees, my eyes full of tears.

This must have attracted so much attention. I take deep breaths... One... Breathe in. Two... Breathe out. Three... Breathe in. Four...  Breathe out. Five...  Breathe in. I wipe my eyes and stand up to face the eye-widened teens. Breathe out.

'Just a second,' I mumble before leaving the room and the curious gazes.

'What is happening Anna? What are you keeping from me?'

I'm now outside of the pack house looking at the clear blue sky and kicking pebbles. The soft breeze caresses my cheeks. This feeling is familiar. Why? This isn't the time.

'I can't tell you everything now because people could still hear, but it's bad. I fucked up, Elena... I'll go to my apartment and call you. Wait for my call.'

Tears run down my cheeks and I put a hand on my chest and try to even my breathing. Nobody is watching. "He came back... He wants to talk to me... He... he...." I choke up. "My Oliver..."

I calm down enough to get back inside the pack house. I put on my best poker face and walk into the kitchen. After throwing away the rest of my food and drink, I take my wallet and keys from the counter. I pull out my phone and request a taxi. Fifteen minutes of wait.

A number I don't recognize calls me. I stand there frozen just staring at the ringing phone in my hand. What if it's Oliver? I would die. Well, not die-die, but still.

"You're supposed to slide the green circle on the screen," the comedian wannabe girl latching to Caleb's right arm says.

I growl and glare at her with golden eyes, my wolf in control. The girl gulps. I regain control and go back to staring at my phone. I exhale loudly and answer the call.

'Annita?' the sweet voice says. My heart shatters all over again. It's him... After three years, he came back.

' Oliver? I'm not ready to talk to you yet!' I hang up.

The screen flashes, 'your taxi has arrived.' I hurry outside of the house without looking at anyone.

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