Chapter 14: Trying to Steal All the Oxygen

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A/N: Song "Mercy," by Shawn Mendes.


Once she leaves, the room falls silent. My wolf is urging me to go after her and apologize for everything. However, when I ask him why, he just goes quiet. Just the music of the start screen of the video game fills the room. That and the dread that's probably coming from me.

I sit on the couch and run my fingers through my hair. Today's date was perfect. That woman drives me crazy. I can't even put into words how I feel whenever she's in my arms. I had never had so much fun. Of course, I had to go and ruin it.

I glare at the girl beside me. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I called Chris to hang out and he said that he was already busy. He gave me your address and told me that as long as I don't annoy you with chit chat I could have fun with you."

She shrugs and reaches for another slice of pizza. I close the box before she can get one. She should be fucking full already.

"You already had your fun. Now get the hell out of my house!" If she hadn't come here today, I wouldn't feel as bad as I do now. The girl leaves without putting much of a fight.

I lay back on the couch. "Why do I feel like I messed up, Samuel?"

"Because you did," he says sitting next to me and takes the last piece of pizza. 

"Why the heck would you do what you did this afternoon?" asks Matt. "I thought you wanted to befriend Anna. You said so yourself." He sits on the couch across from me.

"I don't know. Today was... different. I feel so drawn to her that it's scary. If it's with her, I think that I could even fall in love."

I thought pushing her away would be the best, but now, I wish I could take it all back. That was a mistake. Why did I have to screw up so badly?

"And that's something bad, because?" Samuel leisurely eats the pizza. I would snatch that pizza from his hand if he hadn't licked it already.

"Because she's just like me. She honestly doesn't care about me at all. She just thinks I'm some kid. I can't be the little teen boy getting all worked up over everything his teacher does. Also, haven't you seen her? She's gorgeous and single. She's probably as much of a player as I am."

"She isn't like that," says Samuel.

I look at him. "So, who are Oliver and Xander, then?"

"I don't think she's really doing anything with either of them," says Matt.

"She's a nice girl," says Samuel.

I snicker. "Yeah, right. She's probably fucking both of them really nicely while getting all offended by what I do. The only difference between the two of us is that I don't try to hide what I am."

Samuel glares at me and I frown back at him.

"What? An immature idiot? She's nothing like you say!" says Matt standing up and walking up to me.

I growl at his disrespect. Samuel stands up as well and pulls him away. He's mindlinking him. After a moment, Matt sighs and walks out of the living room.

"I really hope she gets tired of your shit already," he says before slamming the front door shut.

"He isn't wrong." Samuel sighs glancing at the door.

I cradle my head in my arms. Why is Matt getting all emotional over this? Samuel plops down beside me and starts checking his cellphone. The heart-to-heart talk is over.

"Well, what's up that guy's ass?" asks Chris as he enters the living room.

"Hey, did you just come home?" I stand up and greet him.

"Yes, did you like my present?" Chris flashes a sly smile.

"You knew he was hanging out with Anna today," says Samuel without tearing his gaze off his phone. "Why did you do that?"

Chris smirks and sits where Matt had been sitting. "I don't like her. She's a nobody and acts like she is all high and mighty."

Samuel scowls at him. I take a deep breath. Chris is an asshole who thinks that Alphas and high ranked wolves are about everyone else. He always says things like this. His words had never made me so furious, though.

"She's your teacher," Samuel says.

"She doesn't respect the Alpha."

Samuel rolls his eyes. My wolf isn't even talking to me. He just wants to get out and tear Chris apart. Maybe, I should let him do it... What am I saying? Chris is my friend since we were born. He'll come around.

"I don't understand why you let her talk to you in the way she does even outside of the school. She needs to be put in place."

Forget it, one more word and I'll fucking kill him. I growl at him. "Shut up. She has done nothing wrong!" 

I leave the room and climb up the stairs. I turn right and mindlessly walk down the hall until I'm in front of her bedroom. I rest my hand on her door not daring to knock and sigh.

What am I even going to say if she opens the door? An apology? For what? It isn't like we're dating or anything. I put my forehead against the door. I sigh again.

"Are you going to knock on the door or you're just trying to steal all the oxygen from my room with your sighs?" Anna says.

She opens the door and I lose my balance, almost crashing into her. Her hair is all messy and she's just wearing an oversized shirt. I look at her from head to top taking in the intensity of her gaze, the balance of her face, the curves of her body that the shirt unsuccessfully tries to hide. Everything in her screams perfection.

"Beautiful..." I whisper and she crosses her hands over her chest and frowns at me. Yep, she hates me, now.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask her.

She scoffs. "Do you even need to ask?"

"Yes, I do actually." I run one hand through my hair. "You said that you wanted to be my friend just like Samuel or Matt. I thought we had fun today."

She rolls her eyes. "We did until you decided to go fuck some random girl."

I shrug. "Anna. Do you see any of my friends getting jealous because of what I do with girls?"

She looks down at her feet and exhales loudly. I grab her chin and tilt her face up until her dark brown eyes only look at me.

"Anna, tell me the truth. Why are you this angry?"

Her eyes fill with tears. "Let me go..." Her voice breaks. "P-please."

I let go of her. "Just tell me why. Do you like me or something?"

She wipes her tears off. "No, I don't like you actually. How could I?" She taps her foot on the floor. "Anything else?" The sadness is replaced with disgust.

If looks could kill I would have died about fifty times during the last five minutes. My wolf whimpers. He's never been so affected by a girl. Oh... wait... I'm such an idiot.

"Yes, just one more thing. Anna, am I..." I run both of my hands across my face. "Am I your mate?"

Her frown vanishes but her lower lip quivers. She bites it and looks up closing her eyes. She faces me again. "Caleb... I..."

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