Chapter 2: That's Inappropriate, Mr. King

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I'm in line to get fried chicken with Samuel and two human girls we met today. I usually don't go for human girls but these ones are too willing to waste. While talking to the bottle blonde named Sally or Molly, something or more specifically someone else catches my attention.

At the front of the line, there's the most enchanting girl I've ever seen. Just a glance at her profile and I am dying to see the rest. She takes her order and walks to a nearby table. I almost approach her, but the blond latches to my arm and calls my name with a voice that too high pitched and annoying.

"Caleb! You're not listening!" She pouts.

"Of course I am. It's just that the smell of fried chicken is making me hungrier, sorry."

By the time my gaze finds the beautiful brunette again, some other guy is holding her wrist.  No surprise there. Someone like her wouldn't be alone.

I'm about to go back to talking to the girl when I hear something that immediately makes me stiffen, "hey, let me go. I won't tell anyone but you need to leave me alone," the brunette says.

My feet move on their own taking me to where she is, ignoring Samuel and Sally. As if the most natural thing, I have to protect her. She's special.

"Hey, dude. Stay away from her--" I can't finish the sentence before the guy is out cold on the floor.

She bends down and cautiously pokes the guy. I don't complain about the sight in front of me. She's got a perfect ass.

"At least he's alive." She shrugs and turns around.

"Oh! Mr. Caleb King. Were you wishing to be my knight in shining armor?" She rests her hand on her chest which immediately caught my attention.

How does this beauty know my name? I would recognize her if she had passed through me. 

"Hey, eyes up here!" She snaps her fingers and removes her sunglasses.

Oh! Now, I recognize her! How didn't I notice that perfume before? I must've been distracted. I smirk.

"Oh but if it's you, Anna! Hello there." I wave my hand.

She frowns. "It's Ms. Amores for you, Mr. King."

"You certainly don't look like my teacher right now."

She looked down at her light blue top and white shorts blushed. So cute. "Teachers have lives outside the school, Mr. King."

I grinned. "I completely understand, and I personally want to be part of your life outside of school, Anna." I wink and she rolls her eyes.

"If you excuse me, my chicken is getting cold." She brushes past me and sits at the table.

I go back to the line as Samuel was ready to order, and get food before going back to Anna's table. Samuel and the girls follow me. I want to keep talking to Anna.

She arches an eyebrow, unamused. After a few seconds, she sighs and puts her hands up in defeat. "May I know why am I third wheeling you and Mr. Clark?" she asks in a flat tone.

"We just thought that it would be nice to get to know our new teacher better." For some reason, I find pleasure in watching her facial expressions as I annoy her.

"Gee. Thanks for your concern, kids."

Oh, she didn't just go there. "Want me to show you how much of a man I am?"

She snorts a laugh that coming from anyone else would be unattractive. "Dude. That was so corny. C'mon you can do better."

So much for acting professional. I gave her a sly smile and realization flashes in her eyes.

"I mean... That's inappropriate, Mr. King." She smiles sheepishly and everyone but Sally break out in laughter.

"Hey, babe. Why are we eating with your teacher? She must be old and boring." Sally glares at Anna.

I roll my eyes. Oh, there goes another one. I don't know what makes these girls think that calling a grown person "babe" is endearing.

"I agree with you, kiddo. I could not take out my dentures because they made me feel too shy." Anna sighs dramatically.

"Do you really...?" asks Sally. I swear this girl is retarded.

"I am so happy you do not attend my school." Anna sneers and proceeds to eat in silence.

No matter what conversation I start, Anna doesn't even look back at me. I thought this would be more fun. I distract myself by kissing the girl at my right. That is enough to take my mind off things.

Anna stands up and throws the rest of her food in the nearest bin. When she comes back, she plops down in the chair and sighs. And, just like that, all my concentration is back to her. Anna looks up at the ceiling and closes her eyes, ignoring me again. What could make someone as beautiful as her so sad?

"Caleb, when is your birthday?" Anna whispered probably not expecting an answer. She chuckles and straightens up, to realize that I was now staring at her.

"My birthday is in four months, right before Winter break. You are sighing so much. Are you having love problems, Ms. Amores?"

"You have no idea kid." She sighs once again and it takes all of my self-control to not reach to her cheeks and assure her that everything would be alright. "I need to go now. It was nice to meet you guys here. Bye." Anna takes her stuff and leaves without waiting for an answer.

Just what was I thinking now? This is definitely not me. I kiss Sally. Yes, I must have gone crazy a moment ago.

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