Chapter 7: You Deserved it

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A/N:  Song "Perro Fiel," by Shakira.


I stare out of the window during the whole ride, watching the houses and trees pass in a blur. My apartment is only fifteen minutes away from the packhouse. As soon as I arrive home, I take off my shoes and drag myself to my bed. Fluffiness here I come. I plop down on my bed and dial Elena. Nagging here I go.

'I'm ready,' I whisper as soon as the call connected. 'Before Oliver left... He actually proposed to me.'

'What! Someone proposes to my best friend and I only find out about it after three years?'

'Who proposed to my baby sister and why I was unaware of this?' Alex asks.

'Shh, I'll tell you later,' says Elena.

'Sorry for not telling you...' I mumble and tears sting my eyes. More crying, great.

'Did you two just eloped then?'

'What? no! We didn't get married... but, I did say yes...'

'I need a moment here.' She raises her voice. 'Wait, if you said yes why the heck did he leave you for three years?'

'He was offered a scholarship in some European country and wanted me to marry him and move out of the country and away from the pack. He didn't understand why I couldn't do that. He didn't want to have a long distance relationship either. He just wanted me to abandon my life and follow him as he followed his own dreams.'

'So he took off and cut all contact with you?'

'Yes!' I say. My chin is trembling but I won't cry just yet.

'There's something else, spill it!' she says in a confident tone. She knows me too well. I should have known she would find out that was not the whole truth.

'When I was nineteen, I went to a party and got way too drunk and high. I was angry. Oliver had said that I couldn't go out without him because I was his future wife. But, he didn't feel like going out. I panicked. He was trying to control my life like I was a child like I had to ask for his permission to do things. I wasn't ready for a commitment like that. His friends were at the party...'

'I don't like where this is going,' she said softly. 'Go on.'

'So, I was drinking with them and someone invited us to play truth or dare. We agreed and everything was fine until someone dared me to kiss his best friend. It was an innocent kiss, but after the game was over... I kind of... hooked up with his best friend...' I let out a loud sob.

'I would yell at you but I have no words. You are totally a whore.'

Even though we both knew that Oliver was not my mate, she always supported Oliver's and I relationship. I can understand her anger.

'Thanks for the support... So, one of his friends recorded us and sent it to him and when I went back to our apartment he had left. I tried to contact him in all possible ways and he shut me off.' I sigh.

'Evidently,' she says. 'You deserved it.'

'That was three years ago okay? I stopped drinking. I changed. I'm not a party girl anymore!'

'For how long will you hold on? I don't want to pick after you again. What happened yesterday?'

Pick up after me? I never asked her to do that. I was in a dark place after Oliver left and Elena was the one who saved me, just to throw it on my face now?

'That's a whole different story that I'll tell you later.' I've had enough judgment for today. 'I want to focus on one issue at the time.'

'Okay. Good luck. I'll call you tomorrow and I expect details.'

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