Chapter 18: No lady friend today?

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Before going to bed, I text Kathe to remind her that training starts Monday evening. I turn my phone off and close my eyes. No more people waking me up in the middle of the night.

The following day, there is a yellow rose at my doorstep with a note that reads: "yellow is the color of happiness. I cannot wait to see your smile today." The note smells like him. I put the yellow rose along with the lavender rose in a tall glass with water on my kitchen's countertop and the note in my bedside drawer. 

I take a deep breath as I step out of my apartment and into the sunshine. A chilly breeze tickles my cheeks and the sounds of a few cars and the chattering of the people come in waves. Another day has just started. I climb into my car and drive to school. He'll be there.

Caleb is in the parking lot carelessly resting against a car. He smiles brightly and waves when he sees me. I grip my coat and step out of the car. This is the first day of school since he found out we are mates.

"Hello, Mr. King. No lady friend today?" I snicker as I walk past him.

He catches up to me and matches my pace. "You hurt my feelings, Anna." He mockingly grips his shirt over his chest.

"Yeah, right." I giggle as I walk through the doors and into the warm air.

"See you soon," Caleb says as he goes to his locker.

In class, Caleb stares at me as usual, nevertheless, I have other things to worry about. I am introducing limits. The topic is not difficult to understand once you get a grip on it but can be challenging at first. There is no class activity for today.

When the bell signals that the class is finally over, all the students rush to the door. I slump into my chair and sigh. My throat is dry from so much talking. As if reading my mind, Caleb stays behind and places a bottle of water on my desk. I glance at my own now empty bottle of water.

"How do I know you did not poison it?" I signal the bottle.

"It's still sealed. When you said that there wouldn't be a class activity, I guessed you'd need the extra water." He shrugs his shoulders as if this is the logical thing to do.

"Well, thank you then." I refuse to meet his demanding eyes.

"Good luck the rest of the day," he says as he leaves the classroom.

I sigh for a different reason now, open the bottle of water and take a sip. 

By the end of the day, I am drained. I go to my car to find Caleb waiting for me, again. I'm too tired for this. He walks up to me.

"Anna, I wondered if you wanted to--" 

I extend my hand in front of his face. "Not, now, Caleb. I'm tired and dealing with you is exhausting."

He chuckles smugly. "So I've been told."

"Very nice. You sure know what a girl wants to hear."

He takes a step forward. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

I get in my car without sparing him a second glance and leave. I can still see him from the rearview mirror. He punches the air and kicks the floor. Matt and Samuel get out of Matt's car and clap at him. He frowns and gets into the car.

When I arrive home, I take off my uncomfortable clothes and sink into my bed pulling my covers up. "So relaxing." My phone spent the whole day off, so it's time to check. I turn it on and text messages come in.

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