Tom - Melting Away

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Just a short while later, we were all watching 'Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell Four' and eating popcorn. I wished I could focus on the movie, but my attention was elsewhere for obvious reasons. I was still angry because my two friends didn't care about me and thought Tord was that much better than me because he got us sofas. Wow, give him a medal for that one. It made me want to scream and tear my hair out. Why did that commie have to commie back? Why?! Why couldn't he stay in whatever hole he had been hiding in for the many years I hadn't seen him?!

Still, it took me a while to notice Tord wasn't sitting on the sofa anymore. He was obviously sneaking out of the living room, trying to be as quiet as possible. Not that it actually mattered since Edd and Matt were both too distracted by the film anyway, so they obviously didn't notice. What was that guy doing? He acted even more suspicious than he had before...

I silently stood up from my seat and followed him back to my room. It would never be his, not after he gave it up so many years ago. If he wouldn't leave now like he should have, I would make him leave.

When I entered the room, I found Tord standing in front of a big red button, laughing like a maniac and ready to press it. It didn't take a genius to see my room had changed since I had last been in here. There was a part of the room I had never seen before. It actually looked like... some sort of secret lab? It did explain that my room was surprisingly small when according to the layout of our house it should have been a bit bigger. What had that maniac done? Okay, now it was certain that he was definitely up to something.

"What the hell are you doing, commie?"

He wheeled around immediately. "T-tom! What are you doing here? I thought you were watching the film with the others," he muttered. His nervous expression quickly turned into a confident grin. Oh, he knew what I was doing! Was he just stalling for time?

"What is this room?" I snarled, gesturing to all the stuff behind him.

Tord simply sighed. "That's none of your business, Jehovah's witness. You should better go back or something bad will happen." Did he really think he could just threaten me like that...? Oh, I would completely obliterate Tord for these empty threats. How could he act like I wasn't worth his time like I was unable to even touch him? That bastard!

"You definitely aren't here because of your friends, Tord. Don't lie, I know you are here for something else. If you don't leave this house right now I promise I'll hurt you. We both know it won't end pretty," I growled at him, narrowing my eye sockets.

He simply grinned back. "But Tommy, don't you remember what Edd said? He told you to be nice to me, didn't he?"

"You know just as much as I do that I don't fucking care about what he told me. I do whatever I want! Besides, I'm not blind like them! I can see something's going on here. Whatever you are doing, it can't be good, so I won't let you... do whatever you are doing!"

Tord rolled his eyes. "You are so fucking annoying, Tom. Are you even listening to yourself? I didn't even do anything but you act like the jealous ex girlfriend type. Why didn't you just leave earlier when you were getting wrecked?"

"Oh yeah?" I asked, gritting my teeth. An idea popped into my head and I began to sing. "Then how about this: Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows-"

"Stop your singing!" Tord yelled a bunch of curses as he pushed me against a shelf filled with strange chemical bottles. When my body hit the shelf a bunch of them fell out. Most of them broke on the floor but one of them, a yellow one, hit my head instead. For a moment I felt dizzy until I was brought back by Tord's maniacal laughter.

As I tried to pull the substance out of my hair, I noticed how sticky the strange serum or whatever it had been was. Soon, I was fighting a losing battle against it as every attempt at tearing it out only covered me in it more and more.

"Oh Tom, I don't know WHAT this was but I'm sure it will kill you!" Tord chuckled, his eyes filled with childish excitement.

"W-what...?" The gluey serum made me feel strange. I kept trying to tear my fingers away from my hair but to no avail. Some sort of... superglue? How original.

"Well, I wasn't here for years, but most chemicals in that shelf are highly dangerous. I created most of them because I obviously want to kill you, you know, but Edd and Matt have always been in my way, so I never got to test them out on you. Now you are gonna die because you were stupid enough to follow me. Ah, the irony..."

"If I will die, then I will take you with me!!" I yelled and grabbed his arm. I didn't really want to die but if I had to I would definitely do anything to make sure he would share the same fate. He absolutely deserved it! No way Tord would ever take my place. His eyes widened as he stumbled towards me. He hadn't expected that, too caught up with his idiotic evil monolog.

"W-what are you doing?!" Tord screamed and tried to push me away from him. Unfortunately for him, it didn't work. Unfortunately for the both of us, something else happened: his arm and my hand... His hand and my chest...the spots where we were more or less accidentally touching each other... I couldn't let him go and it looked like he couldn't let me go either. It was like we were glued together. No, these body parts were... melting...?

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!" I screamed and tried to step backwards.

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS!! I HAVEN'T BEEN HERE FOR SUCH A LONG TIME!!" We tried to free ourselves by running in different directions, but in the end, we just stumbled around in cycles until we finally fell on the ground. It speed up the process more than it helped against it. My whole body hurt as I was melting into a formless glob and I just wished the suffering to end.

"WE ARE MELTING TOGETHER!!" Tord's eyes widened at the realization. And he was right. Our skin was connecting, becoming part of the same being. The urge to vomit was never stronger.

Someone screamed, I wasn't sure if that was me or Tord. But I didn't want to die! Not like this. Not by his hands! It just hurt so much! Tord... It was all his fault! That stupid commie had ruined everything!

"COMMIE, THIS IS ALL YOUR-" I couldn't even finish my accusation, it hurt so damn much. The next moment I couldn't even breathe anymore. Tord was crying in pain now, yelling for help as he desperately tried to crawl towards the door. But with the movie on and the volume close to maximum, I doubted anyone would hear him. I just wanted it to end, for the suffering to finally stop. My life didn't even matter anymore, I just wanted to die. Rather death than whatever hell this was.

Finally, after more than three minutes of endless pain that felt like hours upon hours, I finally passed out.

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