Tord - Baby Steps

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"You should stop making so much trouble, Jehovah's witness! It's no wonder we're in this situation,  thanks to you!" I growled while Tom tried to push the sofa away, but it hadn't moved all that much yet because I had decided to do nothing and half of our body was stubbornly resisting his control. It was clear as day he wasn't able to do it without help. Bit he could try that stuff alone, I wouldn't help that fucker. Never. He was a dick that always had to get in my way and rub victories of any kind in my face, even the dumbest ones. He was amusing on good days and absolutely insufferable on the worst ones.

"I am the one making trouble?! Thanks to you, we are trapped under this stupid sofa!" Tom hissed.

"Why is that specifically my fault?!" I snarled back. "WE were both fighting! Sure, let's give me all the blame because Little Tommy is too much of a crybaby to-"

"You invented these sofas, commie. That's why." I really hated that asshole. I would rather be dead than be fused with some smart-ass like him. I had killed quite a number of people and had plans to take over the world, sure, but this was no reason to punish me with... fusing with HIM. Hell was preferable to this.

"Fuck you," I simply mumbled. There were just not enough words to throw at him anymore. It was so useless. No fighting would help us here. We both knew that, but what were we supposed to do? I had to get my frustrations out somehow and so did he.

"I hope you really know how to unfuse us, commie," Tom muttered after some time. "This is just... torture."

"Do you think I like being like this? I'm going to unfuse us no matter what. I have better things to do than being stuck here with you for all eternity." I was tempted to tell him about my army and my plans to take over the world, but I couldn't tell him about this. Yes, boasting might feel good,  but in the end, they'd stop me because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I could simply kidnap and make him one of my soldiers, that was enough. I really didn't like him, but I knew what he was worth.

"Tom? Tord?" Edd entered the kitchen. Had Matt told him what we did while he wasn't here? One look at Edd's face said it all. Of course, he would, that idiot was horrible at keeping secrets. I didn't know why I expected anything else.

"Could you help me, Edd? That commie is being an ass again," Tom grumbled. "He's not even helping me lift this couch."

"I am not! You just can't do anything without me! You're completely helpless if I don't help you and you're too much of a prick to even ask for help!" I growled.

"When you tried to stand up in my room, you were helpless, too! Don't pretend that you're better than me, Tord!"

"Tom, Tord, just stop it! How is this helping? If you want to unfuse as soon as possible you need to get along or else you'll never get separated again! SOFAr you're just being unreasonable!" Edd glared at us as he scolded us like little children. Tom rolled our eyes at the pun, but apparently choose to forgive Edd for that one.

"Edd, we just need to find that dumb serum again that caused all of this and this bastard here will turn us back."

Edd sighed before he answered, "This won't work as long as you fight each other all the time. You might just mess it up and make everything worse." But he still helped Tom push the sofa away. We stood up again, our legs shaking like this was the first time in our lives we were standing. We managed to stumble two steps into the middle of the room before we fell to the ground like we already had dozen times before.

"Just be helpful for once and let me take control!" I commanded. "I want to find the serum as fast as possible! You'll have your body again in no time, just trust me!"

"Sunshine lollipops, you can't tell me what to do! I'm not your slave! You are planning to trick me so you can try to kill me again! I'm not stupid!" That moron really deserved this. Except it should have been Matt stuck with him. At least it would have been entertaining for me. All he ever did was fight with me until he gave up, not do the few simple things I told him to do, and drink alcohol like the world was going to end.

"Calm down, Torm!"

"We aren't one person, stop calling us that," Tom grumbled.

"I won't calm down until I am no longer with this Jehovah's witness attached to me."

"Tom, Tord, as long as you are fighting you aren't able to stand or walk around or do anything else. And because of that, you aren't going to find anything that will help you fix this," Edd said in an annoyed tone. He was tired of us fighting, even an idiot like Tom could see that. But I would be leaving soon anyway, so this wouldn't be much of a problem. The fighting would stop when I had what I needed. Still, he was right, but neither I nor Tom would listen to him. We were rivals, each other's worst enemies, why couldn't he see that? We had no reason to get along.

Although we knew it wouldn't change anything we actually stopped fighting for a second and considered our options. It won't change anything, I thought, This is a waste of time.

But, somehow I was wrong. Somehow our thoughts connected with each other and in that moment, we just knew what the other one felt. Both of us wanted to unfuse at all costs and go to my room to finally do what we had wanted to do all along. We were still angry at each other, but we knew we wouldn't be in our own bodies again and not in this mess of a body until we learned how to cooperate, so we stood up for another try. We lost our balance and almost landed on the floor again, but then I took a small step forward and Tom took the next.

We knew what we wanted. There was nothing holding us back. This unimportant everyday action suddenly felt like a huge achievement. When we took our seventh step we could hear Edd cheering for us. Before that, we hadn't even processed what we were doing. Of course, we saw we were walking properly, but neither of us really noticed that we were actually working together until this moment.

"Yeah! You did it! I told you this would work!" Edd looked like he was about to clap.

"We worked together? Hell, no! Not with this guy!" Our legs gave in and we were back on the floor, but Edd was beaming like he had just won a lifetime supply of cola. That could not be good.

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