Tord - Forever is a long time...

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"The next time we will get fed because of you I will-!"

"Or what? Just shut the fuck up, Thomas! We might have a lot worse problem than that!" I growled. Tom was such an insufferable idiot. He was too stupid for his own good to realize we had to unfuse. If we waited too long, it might be too late! I knew almost nothing about the serum that caused our fusion in the first place. That was concerning. I had no idea what other side effects it night have.

"Don't call me Thomas, asshole!" Tom growled and crossed his arms.

Edd and Matt had carried us back into my room after Edd fed us with a way too small amount of bacon and they decided to go shopping. I hated to be fed, but apparently Tom hated it even more than I did. He hated being unable to do whatever he wanted.

"We really shouldn't be fighting now. We have to search for the serum and find an antidote to it," I muttered. "If we wait too long it could be too late soon. We might as well accept our fate as bodymates then."

"Ew, that just sounds perverted. Never use that again. Do you think you can find it now?" he asked. "There are still too many broken bottles. It will take ages."

"If you help me, I think we can unfuse in one or two hours, maybe even less if we're lucky. We just need to work together," I replied. I hated that I had to say this. Working together with Tom of all people? I wanted to kill that guy! But as soon as we weren't stuck with each other anymore I would get my chance. I just knew it. But Tom's unfortunate demise could wait until we weren't in one body anymore.

How could we find out which of the serums I created had caused this? I let my thoughts wander until I remembered the journal I had kept. It should contain information about all of my inventions.

"Fuck, I know how to find the serum which made us fuse!" I groaned. "I have written everything down about them into a journal. Why didn't I think of that sooner?!"

"Because you're a dumbass, that's why. And where is that thing?" Tom asked, looking around the room.

"I'm pretty sure you just put an asdf-poster over the hentai picture with the tentacles," I snickered. "You never looked behind it, right?"

"Edd didn't want me to throw that awkward stuff away because he saw it as a reason for you to come back, as well as your stupid photo on the wall. Why should I- Oh. You hid the journal behind it, didn't you? Seriously Tord, why do you have these secrets hidden in the dumbest places?"

"Why don't we talk about this after we aren't fused anymore," I replied. Sure, we could talk about it. If Tom wouldn't die because I killed him, that was. He saw way too much and after everything that happened, I couldn't let him stay alive anymore. Not that I had really planned to in the first place. Whenever I would see him it would just remind me of being stuck in the same body as him.

"Alright", he responded. "So we have to work together now...? Damn it, that's worse than hell."

"We'll do it now and after that we'll just never talk of this again. That's a promise."

"This is the first time you're actually making sense," Tom chuckled.

Although both of us weren't happy about it, we knew we had to do this together... for once. So we carefully stood up from the ground, hands stretched out in case we'd fall. The first time it wasn't all that surprising that our attempt was met with a quick fall to the floor. The second time wasn't much better and so was the third try, but when we put both our feet on the floor for the fourth time we finally stumbled around without imitating a newborn horse. Tom took one step, I took the next. We still made small, shaky steps, but it was a beginning.

"Watch out, commie, there's Susan!" Tom yelled when I almost fell on his dumb bass guitar.

"I know!" I growled, narrowing my eyes. "Do you think I want to break my neck on that thing?"

But when we finally made it to the asdf-poster we had actually found out how to work together with the whole standing and walking thing all on our own. But honestly, I didn't care all that much compared to Tom. Let's be real, I wouldn't need to remember it when I finally was my own person again.
We grabbed the asdf-poster and stripped it off. After that, it was my hentai poster's turn although I really really liked it. It hurt to watch it get torn off like it was nothing but rubbish. Behind that masterpiece was a small hole, the journal hidden deep inside it. We reached into the darkness of the hole and pulled it out before we sat down on Tom's bed.

"Do you remember anything else about the serum?" I asked Tom when I opened the book.

"I... a number, I think I remember a number. It was... three... wait... two hundred and twenty-three." I couldn't believe how much luck we had. I had written down everything in chronological order, meaning finding it would be easier than any names I had given them. I turned page after page until I found the number and slowly read my description word for word to make sure I wouldn't miss an important detail.


Name: Healing serum
Use: Maybe in war for people who are close to dying (?)
Tested on: my own wound and a hurt rabbit I found on the street and brought home
Test result: wounds healed in less than two minutes. Test results are astounding. My skin reconnected with no real issues, but it hurt a lot more than anticipated
Other: healing can't be turned back, there is no antidote, very good healing serum. Cutting through skin, chemicals and burns have little to no effect on the healed skin. Further methods are to be tested. So far it seems irreversible like it should be

Additional note: Holy shit, I sent a sample to the scientist and got back the results. I finally found something those arrogant twats in the lab aren't able to reverse. This might just be one of my best inventions ever!

The book fell out of our hands. Healing can't be turned back, there is no antidote, irreversible... Those words echoed through my brain over and over again.

"We... are stuck like this... forever..." Tom gasped.

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