Tom - The intelligence of a kitchen shelf...

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"Wow, that was fun, but... DID YOU IDIOTS REALLY NEED TO COME OUT THERE AND TELL THEM YOU ARE A FUSION?!" Edd yelled the second he had closed the front door behind us. He was really, really pissed. This one was my mistake. I probably should have seen this coming... but now it was too late.

Why the hell is he so angry? Shouldn't he be grateful? We just kicked that asshole's ass for him. What gives?

He's like that because doesn't want Eduardo to make fun of him. And now that guy has even more of a reason to target us, I guess. The neighbors are mean to us most of the time. They have been since they moved here, actually. It doesn't look like they have other hobbies besides being smug bastards. They're like school bullies except they are adults who have no parents to scold them anymore.

Hmm, that remind me... wasn't it Edd making fun of Eduardo before? You know, when we were kids?

Yeah, it was like that back in primary school, but, as you can see... not anymore. And now stop asking questions! If you had stayed here you would know every little detail about our lives. I don't want to explain everything to you.

God, his constant questions were getting so annoying! He came back for something, I knew it, but now he started to ask random questions like he was suddenly interested in our lives!

"Eduardo will be a much bigger jerm to us than he was ever before. And that will only be because you had to punch him and yell: 'Hey, look I'm a fusion!' Did you really need to do all this?!"

How does that make him a bigger asshole?! All we did was put him in his place and assert dominance-

Oh my god, please stop thinking. And breathing.

"It's not our fault he is annoying!" we huffed. "And we couldn't behave normal all the time. We just can't live like this."

"And I don't think he will be mean. He will be scared shitless because of us. We beat him up with one single punch!" I smirked.

"Do you even know him?" Edd asked, rubbing his temples. "He is not like that! He's just got more reasons to be a nuisance. Next thing you know, he'll be interrupting our next Eddventure!"

"Why can't you just simply be happy about it?" I asked. "We won against your enemy. Now he'll be quiet for a while, at least until he recovers. That's not too bad, Edd!" We grinned at that. If it had been anyone else but the commie, I would have given them a high-five.

"I wanted to be the one to beat him up. He's my enemy, not yours!" Edd growled. "And you just gave him another reason to hate all of us and told him something he shouldn't know in the first place!" We rolled our eyes.

"What we tell your neighbors isn't your business, Edd," the commie answered in a calm voice. "If anything bad happens to us because of it it's our problem, not yours. Seriously, it's our decision. You didn't even care about it before, but now that your 'rival' is involved you do? We're the ones dealing with it, you didn't care before." I couldn't help but agree with him this time.

Edd sighed. "I know it's not my business."

We entered the kitchen and froze, watching the scene unfolding in front us in shock. I don't exactly know how he did it, but Matt had somehow managed to get the cooking pot with the spaghetti to explode so they were all covering the floor, the table and counters like dead bodies on a battlefield. There were even a few on the ceiling lamp. And Matt? He was stumbling around in the middle of the room with his hair on fire, although he didn't seem to have noticed that fact yet.


"Don't!" Tord interrupted me.

The messenger always gets shot. Let's not risk it.

"How could any of this even happen?" Edd muttered as he stared at the mess Matt had created.

"Hey guys!" Matt grinned. "Your faces look funny! Did something happen?"


Should we tell him...? I know what I said, but maybe he should know he is literally on fire. I don't think he'd attack us, he'd be to occupied with saving his hair.

Yeah, he's going to see it soon anyway. If we stay quiet, he'll blame us later.

"Well Matt, I guess you're pretty hot today," Edd muttered, sipping his coke. Wow, Edd. Just wow.

"You think so? Thanks, Edd!" Matt beamed. Oh boy.

"What Edd means is... your hair is on fire."

Matt blinked. "What...?" He grabbed a mirror from the table and stared into it with a frown. When he saw we were telling the truth he screamed in horror and began running circles around the table.

"How is that helping? Matt you need water to put out the fire!" Edd replied, facepalming.

Matt stopped running around in circles for a moment. You could almost see the wheels inside his head turning. Then, he jumped forward, pushing us out of the way to dash out of the room.

"Where are you even going...?"

"Er... he is not going to do what I think he is, is he?" Tord questioned.

But Matt had already run out and into the bathroom. He couldn't hear us talking. The three of us all heard the sound of something getting doused in the water of the toilet.

"He just could have used the washbasin here, but this was way more fun", Edd grinned. At least he was happy, I guess...?

"Er... Edd? I'm stuck!" Matt's panicked voice came from the bathroom,  echoing ever so slightly. "I can't get my head out of the toilet again! Tom, Tord, anyone,  please help me!"

Tom and I tried our hardest not to burst out into laughter. "That's the reason I don't want to have his chin. It's just impractical."

"Yeah, it's only causing trouble," Edd agreed as he gulped down the rest of his cola. "Wanna use the chance and start getting a few bucks from all the junk in his room? There's got to be some stuff people would actually buy."


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