Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
I began to change because of Maya, for better and for worse. I developed some of her good habits, but also some of her bad.
I pull on my jacket as I shut my gym locker door. Gym was last period, and boy was I ready to go home.

I hear someone call from behind me giving a shock. "Yo, Minkus." I look behind me to see Ashton, aka the blonde dude leaning against the lockers.
He waits until I turn to pipe back,"I heard you were with Maya." I don't respond. He pauses for a second and then continues, "I don't understand what she sees in a weak loser like you." He crosses his arms.

"I don't know," I retort keeping a blank expression on my face, "Maybe this?" I lift up my shirt as he looks down. I smirk both at him and to myself. His eyes widen. I let go, grabbing my bag, and leaving. I left him there in shock.

As soon as I got out of the locker room, I immediately felt a pang of nervousness in my stomach. Why the hell did I just do that? What's happening? What if he laughs at me? What if he sends people after me? What if they beat me up? What if the whole school comes after me?

I felt like throwing up, but something
stopped me. That something had blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a wide Irish smile.

"Hey baby girl." I greet her as she wrapped her arms around me. "Ready to go home?" I ask her.

"Mphmm." She nods in my chest.

The sound of the subway starting up makes me feel relaxed. It goes faster and faster, straying far away from school.

"So how was your day?" I ask Maya swiping a hand through her thin tight ponytail.

She turns to me, "Good how was yours?"

"It was good, actually, you won't believe what happened."

"What happened?" She asks excited.

I described to her the scene in the locker room in about a minute or less.

"I finally stood up for myself." I laughed out of happiness as I finished my story.

"Oh babe, I'm so proud." Maya responds hugging me.

The subway arrives to my stop, and Maya and I got off. I waltz into the building, up the stairs, and was ready to open the door, but Riley opened it for me.

"Did you bring Maya?" She asks immediately with a face so straight a regular person wouldn't be able to tell she was worried. But I could.

"Yeah, why?" I ask her. She stays silent. I heard a woman from inside, she was arguing in Danish with a man who sounded a lot like my father.

"Aunt V?" I ask her worried. She nods erratically.

Maya finally catches up to us, not being able to hear the previous conversation.

"Guy's what's going on?" Maya asks confused, "Let's just go inside, what are you waiting for?" She implies it more as a demand rather than a question.

"Maya, I don't think-"

"Lets go," Maya pushes through Riley entering the foyer.

Aunt Violet turns wearing a long black dress and a champagne glass in her hand.

"Who's this?" She asks staring at Maya, but not talking directly to her.

"I'm Maya," she responds softly, "Farkle's girlfriend." She turns to me for reference then turns back.

"I'm Violet Minkus. I'm Farkle's Aunt, and Stewart Minkus's sister. And who are you the daughter of? Anyone important?"

"My mom's Catherine Hart. She's a waitress at the local diner."

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