Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Maya brought a sense of confidence in me. A sense of control, and sometimes I couldn't help thinking to myself, God I love her.


Once Maya and I got home, we flopped onto the bed, tired. We both sigh simultaneously, causing us to erupt in giggles. I roll towards her, pulling her close to me. I bite her cheek, and then her neck. She giggles some more, then close her eyes and moans.

"I'm just saying, you were hot back there babe," Maya whispers to me smiling remembering the prrvious night. I smile back, my head falling down so that she wouldn't see me blush. Maya pulls my chin up with her finger. "Awww, babe! Are you blushing?"

"Maybe." I tell her, looking right into her sparkling eyes.

She bites her lip, wraps her hand around my neck, and slides under me. She kisses my lips desperately. I grab her legs and wrap them around me. She lets go, letting out a small moan. I slip my tongue in, as she grabs my head with her hand, forcefully pushing down.

My eyes open to roll back, but something stopped them. It was Riley standing in the doorway, with a desperate face, as if she was worried. I would never forget that picture of her standing there. I would never forget that face she made. It would haunt me forever.


I open the fridge door, Riley standing right beside me as I did so. Her eyes pointed up to the ceiling.

"Sorry I got a little caught up with Maya." I tell her grabbing a yogurt. I grab two spoons so that we could share. She grabs one from my hand. She still carried that slightly worried face, and her movements were slow.

"You're not mad are you?" I say playfully punching her in the arm. She looks at me. I continue my sentence, "That I'm getting some action and your not?" She chuckles cracking a sarcastic smile. "Come on, you love me." I coo at her.

"Maybe." Riley whispers as she smiles her signature smile that no one could ever forget.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, she wraps me in one of her bearhugs.

"Come on, let's go, to the family room." I tell her. She lets out a voiced breath, and then pulls away, walking ahead of me.

We sat on the couch, and Riley turned on the t.v. An hour passes, and Riley's head falls to my lap. She closed her eyes, and was fast asleep. I turned off the t.v., and carefully slip out from under her. I kiss her cheek and head upstairs.

Maya was sleeping on my bed, pencil in hand, an art book next to her face. I move it away from her. She had been sketching. I turn the book around, and look at it.

It was me. My expression was scared, like I was fearing for my life. There was a guy behind me, holding a gun to my head. I couldn't tell who it was because his head was cut off. Is this what Maya fears? That someone will kill me?

I decide to wake her up, "Maya." I shake her repeatedly. "Maya, baby girl, wake up." Her eyes flutter open, and her eyebrows crease as she squints, trying to come back from reality. She sees me, and relaxes. "Hey Minkus," she says sweetly.

I smile at her, sitting down beside her. I grab her sketchbook putting it in my lap. "So I came
in while you were sleeping..."

Her eyes widen, "No, no Farki it's not what it looks like."

"It's okay, Maya." I coo. "Are you scared?" She nods in response. I continue, "Is this what your afraid of?" She nods again.

She speaks, "There have been," she pauses for a second then continues, "a lot of gun fights outside my apartment lately. And one night, I was sleeping, and there was one going on, and I just started dreaming." She gulps, finding the strength to speak, "And you know that weird thing where stuff going on on the outside, interferes with your dreams? Well, that sort of happened." I put my arm around her, and she turns her head to look at me, "I-I'm scared, Farkle, that I'm going to lose you."

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