Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Author's POV
Maya wakes up, glowing, wondering why she had a tingling feeling. She looked beside her to see her love sleep ever so softly, and she remembered, smiling at the thought.

She gets up, putting sweats on, and heads downstairs. There she finds Riley who was taking a sip from a tea cup, only to spit it out.

She coughs, "Maya, wasn't expecting you here." She then giggles at how silly she was being.

"I was with your brother. After our date last night, he took me home and he-" she pauses.

"He what, Mai," Riley questions.

Maya presses her fingers together and creases her eyebrows exaggerating her thinking process.

"He made love to me, Riles."

Riley now suddenly looked very worried, "What? Maya! What if you get pregnant! You're too young."

Maya doesn't listen twisting her hips dancing, biting her lip and smiling thinking about god knows what.

"I mean don't get me wrong, you and Farkle belong together, but you're both only 16! A-and so am I! W-what's going to happen to me... A-am I gonna be an Aunt?! Maya?! MAYA!"

Maya ignores her, and grabs Riley's hands, "Shhh," she noises, bringing Riley into a waltz as she hums softly.

"It's ok," she coos. She hums a bit louder, feeling the melody. As Maya was singing her soprano, Riley naturally takes the alto adding a nice melody.

"Hey Riley, you're in choir," Maya starts as she changes the topic. "Why did you never tell me to join?"

"Because, Maya, you don't need it. You're a natural." Riley looks sweetly in to Maya's eyes with her soft smile. Maya nods. Creasing her eyebrows to comprehend the answer, and then looking at the clock.

"I'm gonna check to see if Farkle's up." Maya smiles, then rushes upstairs.

Farkle smiles through his teeth, with that one crooked tooth that always sticks out. Maya always found it adorable, while he found it out of place.

"Hey Maya," he whispers, "last night was great. His voice lowers an octave. He continues to smile as she gets closer, but stops when Riley pops through the door.

"Gah!" His eyes widen. "Uhhhh hey Riles, give me a sec to get dressed, K?"

She doesn't respond, just grabs Maya by the hand to take her out of the room.

"Maya can stay here." He demands, adding a snarl only Riley could see. Scared, Riley runs out, and Maya shuts the door.
Farkle's POV
I yawn sliding out of bed with my underwear and pants already on.

Maya's eyes widen, "Whu- Farkle! You just said you had to get-"

"I know, I know, sweetheart. I just wanted get Riley out for a minute." I wink at her. I then walk up to her kissing her, but she didn't seem all that amused. I stare down at her. "What?" I smile, but her face continues to gape. Then she closes it, and looks away. I grab my shirt and put it on.

Downstairs, I found Riley in the kitchen, with a half full tea cup in front of her. She sits there, not moving, thinking about god knows what. Whatever it was, it seemed like the life was drained out of her.

"So, lost your virginity, huh?" Riley's voice was shockingly low and monotone. Something must really be keeping her down.

"Riles, what's going on?" I ask her concerned.

She turns towards me from her chair, spooling her arm over the back of it, "You wanted to get me out for a minute?"

"Riley what did I tell you about eavesdropping?"

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