Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Thanksgiving went okay. At least that's what I remember. However, there was one thing. Maya's mom was a little angry about her spending Thanksgiving with us instead of her.
As I appear at Maya's window, She finishes her conversation with her Aunt.

"I always spend Thanksgiving with her anyways. And I promised I'd be here for Christmas."

Her Aunt shrugs, "She just wants to put you to work. Like she always does." Maya's eyes roll at the thought.

"Ready to go?" I ask her as I place my elbows on her window sill.

"Yeah." She says as she grabbed her bag.

"Is this him?" Her Aunt asked excitedly.

"Yeah that's him." Maya's answer was very simple, as she looked around her room making sure she had everything.

"Oh, it's so good to finally meet you. Come in! Come in!" I do as she says, as I slide in through the window like I have always done. "So, where do you live?" She conversates casually.

I point out the window. "Over there past the trees. Not that far." I turn back to her, and as I do, Maya puts a finger to her lips as she quietly opens her Cigarette drawer. Where she kept all her Cigarettes of course. Her problem wasn't as bad as before, but it was still there.

"Do you go to that Prep school? What's it called, oh, Einstein Academy?"

I shake my head no, "That school isn't the safest. I go to the same school, Maya does."

"Oh, okay." She was about to turn and look at Maya, but I stopped her.

"So! Where are you from?"

She immediately turns back to me, and I relax. "Oh, I still live in Arkansas. I have a steady job there as an Accountant. I was thinking of one day trying to find something here though. But there is so much competition for jobs!" I nod my head aggressively;  a little nervous pang developed in my stomach.

Maya finally gives me the okay after she zipped up her duffle bag."Well! We better get going. Ready to go Mai?" She nods. She jumps out the window, and I crawl out after her.

"You don't have to be nervous around me sweetie!" Her Aunt calls to me.

"Oh, I'm not nervous," I lie, "That's just how I am." She smiles, and I drop down from the window. I catch up to Maya quickly. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Hey."

"Hey," she responds.

"God, why did you have to do that?"

"Relax, Minkus. It's just a little medicine to calm my nerves." she winks at me.

"Alright." I give in. We continue our walk back to my house. It was a sunny Wednesday afternoon, but it was still chilli. Suddenly, I hear a lighting sound, and I turn to see her lighting her Cigarette.

"You don't mind, do you?" She asked with her voice low, I shake my head no, and watch her as she flawlessly takes a drag, and blows. She tilts her head up as she does so, letting the smoke drift into the sky. I took a deep breath. I could feel the smell smooth my system. I let it out.

"Want one?" I open my eyes to see Maya standing there pack in hand.

I hesitate for a second, and then finally, I nod. "Yeah sure."

She puts in my mouth, and smiles as she does so. She then lights it. I take a deep breath, and let it out. My mind calmed, and I felt okay again.

"Told ya," Maya smirks as the sun glazed against her skin.

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