Chapter 12

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Farkle's POV
I layed on the floor next to my window, as I let the sun hit my face. I hear someone softly crawl in. She jumps on my chest, smiling as she bites her lip.

"What do you wanna do today Maya?"

She continues to smile at me, "I don't know... anything?"

"Alright." I sigh getting up from my position. "Where do you want to go?" I asked her as I stretched.

"Let's go out to the city."

"But I don't like the city," I complain in a whiny tone. Her eyebrows crease and she frowns. I continue, "It's filled with gloomy skies, and gloomy people that walk around like this." I march around my room with a frown on my face, and she laughs.

"New York can't be that bad," she starts, but Riley burst into my room to interrupt.

"Yes it is. It is very bad." Riley assures her eyes wide.

Maya groans, "Just, go with meeeee!" She yells, stomping her feet in a sort of fit.

"Alright, alright, fine. There's no reason to get angry baby girl." I tell her, and she hugs me. I hug back.

"Group hug!" Riley yells suddenly as she jumps on my back. Maya reaches her arms further, and hugs Riley as well. After a moment, we seperate.

"Okay Riles," I call turning towards her as she looks up at me. We were only two inches apart from height, which is nothing like the height difference between Maya and I, which is seven inches.

I didn't even realize we were walking out my room door until I turned to Maya to tell her, "Did I ever tell you how short you are?" Maya gives me her silly angry face. You know, that face she makes when she's not really angry but is pretending to be.

"Five feet is not that short!"

"Yes it is!" Riley yells before she  bursts out the door. Someone teach this girl some subtlty.

I hold the front door open for Maya, "After you my love." She smiles, and walks through gleefully. I shut the door behind us, and then speed walk up to Riley. I whisper in her ear, "You know you can't go out with us right?"

"I'm goin' out to meet George." She bites. "Also, I told Mom where we would be so that she wouldn't get worried."

Before I could say anything, Maya squeezes between us, literally. I kiss her cheek, and she closes her eyes softly. She wraps one arm around each of us, and hugs us in.

"I'm so happy I got you guys." She speaks.

"And I'm so happy I got you." I tell her, and she rubs her nose against mine. The elevator door closes, and I shake my head not realizing how we got here. Suddenly I get a text from another one of my friends, Aaron.

Hey bud. I heard you and Riley are doing a double date. I was wondering if I could bring my girlfriend and join?

"Great." I sigh.

Maya looks up at me, "What?"

"Aaron thinks we're doing some kind of double date thing so he wants to bring his girl, and join."


I turn to her shocked, "W-what?"

"I said, okay."

I look at Riley, and she seems very happy with this plan, and continues to smile like an idiot. I growl at her, indicating for her to stop. She reacts by just creasing her eyebrows and frowning at me. The elevator door opens, and Maya and I walk out normally. Riley, on the other hand, does a pirouette out the closing doors.

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