Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
The movie ended, and the credits started rolling. Charlisa fell asleep on my one shoulder, and Maya was laying on my other. I watched as her droopy eyelids closed. I kissed her cheek softly. Rachel got onto the bed, and placed her head on my stomach. She smirked up at me.

"Yeah, I don't think so." I tell her as I push her head off. Riley giggles as she watched from her seat on the bean bag chair. Rachel frowns, and then gets up to leave the room.

"Well, I have to get up." I state, making fists with my hands and pushing them into the bed. I attempt to rise, making it seem like I was using all my strength, but allowed myself to fall back to the bed over and over again. "Oof." I collapsed onto the bed in defeat.

"Sleep." Maya softly whispers as she reaches an arm over me to cuddle. I cuddle her back. Riley crawls onto the bed, and grabs my leg, allowing her doe eyes to shut. Suddenly, there was a knock on my window pane. Charlisa's eyes open wide as she gasps from shock. She turns her head to the window to see George standing at the window. He stared with his round eyes, and then looked down as he attempted to open the frame. I get up, and Maya's head falls to the other side as I do so. I then opened the window for him.

"Hey," I greet, but he just slides in silently, and once he landed on both feet, he pats my head. I crease my eyebrows, and Charlisa giggles.

He picked up Riley's head with his finger under her chin, and kissed her upper lip softly. "George," she blushed. He sat down on the bean bag chair, and Riley slid down into the spot next to his. He smiles. He grabs her arms, and other limbs as if he was examining something. He looks into her eyes softly. He then gestured towards the door, and Riley seemed like she already knew what he meant. They head to her room, and shut the door behind them.

Charlisa's mouth gapes like a fish, and shapes into a smile.

"Oooohhhh." Maya smirks.

"Wanna spy on 'em?" I look down at her. She frowns.

"I don't know, it's doesn't sound like a good idea."

"They do it to us all the time." I state bluntly.

She hops up onto her feet. "Okay, Mr. Nosy." She rubs her nose against mine and I smile. And the three of us, Maya, Charlisa and I that is, all crowded around the crack of Riley's room door.

So far  we only saw George's back, but then he briskly turned towards us, a hand sliding over his mouth in anger, and as he moved, he revealed a disturbed Riley. Her face depressed and angered. We all back away as George bursts out the door, and descends the stairs. We all stared in shock.
"I don't know George, I mean first he hits me, and then he's nice to me, and he's nice to me George!" George continued to pace as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

He lets go, "That doesn't excuse what he does to you Riley." His face was plastered with anger.

"But George, what if he's nice to me because he regrets it?" Riley looked at him desperately.

"How can he regret it if he keeps doing it to you?"

She silently walks to the front of her bed, and flops onto it, as she looked up to the ceiling in despair. In his sincere actions, George sat down next to her, gazing into her eyes.

"I know it's hard for you Riley. I know it's fucking with you mentally." He pauses, and lets a moment of silence pass until he spoke again, "But you can't keep denying what he's doin-"

Riley grabs a pillow, and places in firmly onto her face screaming. She then takes it off, "Just, go away George."

He understood her wish to be alone, and abruptly leaves, with no other words.
"I-I think they got into a fight." Maya whispers to us quietly. She enters Riley's room first. Riley turns, her arms crossed, pulling on the sleeves of her sweater.

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