Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
At this point I knew for sure that things were not going to start looking up any time soon.
I saw Riley, and Sophia by her locker. Sophia seemed to be crying, I couldn't tell because I was too far away. But once I approached closer, I realized that I was right. Riley didn't look too happy either. Her resting smile that she always had on seemed to have  disappeared.

"What's going on?" I ask as soon as I got their attention. "Something wrong?" Sophia opened her mouth to say something, but as soon as Maya came behind me, she closed her jaw immediately. She turns around slowly to her locker. "Alright." I say unsurely. Riley grabs my arm, and walks me to her locker, leaving Maya and Sophia to conversate amongst themselves.

Riley's face was so straight it was starting to scare me. "What are the periods today?" She merely mumbled to me, referring to our block schedule. I blindly told her as I stared at Aaron who was beginning to approach us. I went to my locker which wasn't far from Riley's and begun to spin the combination.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks her lowly. She shakes her head no. "Hey it'll get better. We'll find a way to fix it. No matter what it takes." She finishes zipping up her backpack, and then turns to hug him. She gave him one of her really tight bear hugs, and he hugged her back as his eyes closed. Once she let go, He continued to place his hands on her hips. He leans towards her, getting only an inch away from her, his eyes closing again.

"Woah, woah..." She abruptly moved back, putting her hands in front of her, making a motion suggesting for him to slow down. He nodded as he turned around to walk away. She turned to me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "Did you see that?!" She exclaims, and I nod with the same expression she had, because I was in a state of shock as well. She inhales sharply and sighs as she picks her bag up, and walks to homeroom.

Once I got my books, Maya put her warm head in the crook of my neck as if to greet me. I pat her head softly, and then pick up my back swinging it over my shoulder. I turn around to Maya, as she looks towards a sulking Sophia walking by. I poke her stomach where it was exposed, and she giggles. She grabs the neck of my shirt, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Too bad we don't have any classes together this morning." Her finger trails down to my stomach, "Meet me in the Janitor's closet at lunch." She whispers as she bobs her head to the closet she was referencing. I nod abruptly, and she pushes me away.
Riley sat almost completely silent during health. The teacher began their lecture.

"Now you're all juniors. How many of you have been in a relationship?" Most of the class raised their hands, including Riley. "Now, as I'm sure all of you know, some of these relationships can be abusive." The teacher went into the effect of abusive relationships. Riley began to shake. Charlie Gardner looked at her with a extremely worried expression. George tried to grab her arm, but she flinched away from him. She asked if she could step outside for a drink. The teacher nodded, and waited until she walked all the way out to continue.
I don't understand. These images. What does it mean? What does it mean?! Something is telling me that I should know, but it won't come to me. It's all just blurry flashes. I wasn't the one who was hurting Riley, was I? WAS I?

I asked the nurse that question today after she had fed me my meds. She merely shook her head at me while saying, "You tell me, Farkle." My name always rolled off her tongue. I wanted to ask if she was Danish or not.

Author's note
Hi guys, I know it's a little short, but I'm not sure what else to add. I'll add in another scene later once I figure things out. Bye for now...


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