Chapter 26

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Farkle's POV
This was it. The thing that pushed me over.
We all stood around her casket. Not a word was said. I couldn't read anyone's expression too well, all I knew was that Rachel looked surprisingly shocked.

I can't explain my state of mind. Yesterday, the oddest thing happened. The two lawyers came to our house with a man and a woman from the mental institution. They both wore lab coats, and the man had a clipboard in hand. They sat with me in the dim lit living room, and asked me the oddest questions.

What do you know about your relationship between your sister and you? Do you remember anything that pertains to you harming her? Are you sure? Do you know what happens when you get angry?

I told them the truth. No, I didn't. I told them about my blackouts that I get, and how it's all blurry. But I swear to them that I never hurt her, besides possibly calling her a stupid bitch before leaving the house.

They told me that I was getting out of control, and it was too late to continue with regular psychiatric help. They said they were from an institution upstate, on the border of Vermont, and that they could help. My parents explained about Charlisa, and they said they understood. However, they continued to stressed the urgency of the matter by explaining that they would have to take me in the afternoon then. I still didn't understand what I had done, and I still don't.

Riley sheds a tear as she puts a yellow tulip over Charlisa's lifeless body. The most horrific part was that her green eyes were still open wide, and though her tears had dried, she had the same expression that she did the night before.

I remember now, that night behind her closed door I could hear her and her boyfriend fighting. She came to our place after school so that she could she could feel safe. He had followed her home out of worry.

He would yell at her, and she would just scream.

"No, Charlisa, no! I won't leave until you promise me you won't do it!"

"I promise! Now get out! I need to be alone."

I didn't know she could lie that well. We all should have known really. Her boyfriend stood over her body for the longest, shaking and crying like there was nothing else to hold him back. Auntie V stared at him, not shedding a tear, and he responded by giving her one of the coldest looks I've ever seen. He must have really loved her.

Riley, being herself, went up again and hugged him. He hugged her back, and they stood there for a bit, until they both agreed they were okay now. Auntie V tried to comfort Rachel, who had began shedding tears through a stone faced expression. However, she simply just shoved her away. I don't think I've seen her do that before.
"Got everything?" Riles asked me simply, as if I were going away on a vacation for the weekend.

"Yeah." I nod playing along, as they put my duffle bag in the trunk of the black car.

I put my hand in my pocket, and pulled out that picture I had found in my room. It was a painting from Maya, and I was almost close to sure it was of Riley. But I still couldn't tell because of how bruised the girl in the picture was. But her expression was something I've never seen before; fearful, depressed, or angry? All of them? I may never know. But the real question was, who hurt her?

I saw a someone put a hand on my wrist, and as I look up, I see Rachel's green eyes staring into mine. Her smile was quite sincere. I jolt from her immediately folding the paper and putting it in my pocket.

Riley's hand hits my back. "Let me walk you to your car." If you didn't know Riley, she'd probably sound normal to you. But I knew her too well. I could pick up the sad rasp in her voice.

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