Chapter 20

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Riley's POV
Maya and I danced to the music I played. We had already slipped into our dresses, and Maya had finished her Makeup. While I finished up mine, she continued to strap on her heels. I pause for a minute, grabbing my brush, and using it as a false microphone as I sung.

Maya sways in my bean bag chair, as she hums along.

"So, what was it that you and Farkle fought about?" She asked me.

"Oh you know, the usual stuff." I felt guilty for not telling her. Just tell Maya, Riley it's not that hard. Just rip it off like a bandaid. It's easy. Just go, "Maya, Farkle hits me. And I can show you." All the different voices in my head spun around, and I began shaking.

I take a deep breath, "Maya." She looks at me. Here it goes. "Can I borrow your lipstick." She nods.

"Here, I'll put it on." She does so. Maya and I always treated each other like sisters. Maybe it was because I never had one. I'm not sure if she considers herself my sister, but she sure acts like it.

Suddenly, Charlisa bursts through the door wearing sweats. She only wore those when she was freezing to death, or really depressed.

She frowned at us. "Mom wants you to, 'Turn the music down!'"   She did her best Aunt V accent, and Josh who was entering his room throws his head back and laughs.

"Okay, we will." I did the voice back at her. She makes the same mocking face that I make, as she shakes her head. She then leaves, closing the door. I turn the volume down on my phone.

"You guys are weird." Maya laughs as she finishes up my lipstick. "Okay, done."

"YAY!" I yell as I jump on my bed. Yay, a sarcastic voice in my head moaned. The depressed side of me I guess. I'm not sure if I have clinical depression because I haven't seen a psychiatrist yet, but I know for sure that I have anxiety. It is extremely obvious, especially when I have breakdowns. I sigh as I fall on my bed. I grab Maya's purse and get up. "Time to go?" I ask Maya who sat in my bay window.

"We still have time." She says, running her fingers down the wall next to her. She pats a seat on the other side of her for me to sit. I sit down, hand her purse to her, and put a head on her shoulder. The familiar place gave both of us a comforting warmth.

There was a knock on my window. I turn to see George waving, and Farkle behind him. I let George in, and he greets me with butterfly kisses. Farkle does the same to Maya.

"We should go." Farkle states, and we all nod. I finish getting my stuff, and just as we were about to head out my room, Mom stops us.

"Wait." She proceeds to give Farkle, Maya, George, and I one kiss each on the cheek. Charlisa hugs me before I go downstairs, and waves goodbye as she does so. I feel bad that her mom won't let her go with us.

As soon as we get out onto the streets, we see Aaron, Sophia, and Richard a block away. We catch up fast.

The street lamps grazed over the sidewalk.

"Alright, Riley." Aaron told me
as we walked.

"You're the designated walker tonight. Since you don't drink anyways."

"Sounds like a plan." I replied simply, looking around. I realized this is my first party that I was going to, and it caused me to feel a little nervous at the thought. But I have hairspray with me, and Maya taught me how to defend myself beforehand, so I felt safe. But then again, Farkl- I mean someone could smack it out of my hand.

Suddenly, I felt an arm on my shoulder, "You okay?" George asked, looking at her with his big doe eyes.

"I'm fine." I chuckled, "I just...zoned out."

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