Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
My life began to take a dark turn, as things fell apart at the seams. I still couldn't understand why...
My eyes opened groggily. I tried to wipe away my drool, but my hand fell on a sore bruise. I wince at the pain, and put my hand down. I stare up, and it took a little bit for me to realize I was staring at the gray blue New York sky. I rise up gasping, and look down to see a blanket fall onto my lap as I did so.

"You were to young to freeze to death." I hear a low woman's voice. I turn to see a brunette woman with blue lips  sitting on the floor next to me, leaning against a wall. She seemed quite young, which was unfortunate. I apologize for any inconvenience, giving her back her blanket, and some money. I run home as fast I can.

While I was running, I couldn't help but wonder. What happened last night? How did I get here? How drunk was I?

A blurry image of a girl being pushed to the floor flashed in my mind. Her brown hair flew over her face as she fell, and her scream echoed through out my memory.

I stopped in my tracks as I appeared in front of my house. It must have been pretty late in the morning for it to be so bright outside. As I entered, a rush of warmth came over me. The heater must of have been running. I was so numb, I hadn't realized how cold I was. Thank god that nice lady gave me her blanket.

The noise of the TV filled my ears. I saw Josh, dad, and our Uncle all sitting there. "Hey bud," Dad greets, "where were you last night?"

"Oh, I was at Maya's place after the party, I guess I fell asleep there." He nods as his eyes divert back to the TV.

"You wanna come, and watch the game with us?" Josh asked. At the same time, Mom came out of the kitchen, and stood behind the couch, staring blankly at the TV.

"Nah, I'm going to go wash up if that's okay."

"Yeah, okay." Josh states as he continues to stare at the game ahead of him. God, it's like no one will pay attention to me.

I walk upstairs, my mind on a blank auto-pilot. I open the bathroom door, and as soon as I did so, Vinnie came rushing through it.

"You wash your hands?" I ask him.

"Yes I did." He states, and I give him a thumbs up before closing the bathroom door behind me. As my headache enraged, I couldn't help but again ponder the question, how drunk was I last night? As the hot water ran over me, I counted my fingers trying to remember how many drinks I had had.

After about five minutes of thinking, I think I had it.

One shot of liquor with Maya, 2 while she was gone, a beer, and a soda which I'm pretty sure was spiked. 

I was happy that my memory was coming back to me, and used that power to try and remember what happened with that brunette girl and I. I could her screams, and her cries over and over again in my head, but I couldn't figure out who it was, and what had happened.

You narcissistic bastard. Her words whispered in my head. I sighed, giving up on trying to remember. I decided to just finish up my shower, and get dressed.
The sunset woke me up as it always does. George's arms were wrapped around me tightly. His head snuggled in to the crook of my neck, and places a light kiss on my sweet spot. I sigh slightly, as I roll over, onto my back. I yawn, rubbing my eye, causing George's eyes to flutter open.

He smiled at me at first, but his expression changed drastically as he spots the bruise from last night. He shakes his head as he looks at it, clicking his tongue. His hand approaches my cheek. He clicks his tongue repeatedly as he looks into my eyes. I chuckle.

"I know, I know." The lighthearted moment only lasted a few seconds before George had rolled over onto his back, his eyebrows creased in thought. "What's wrong?" I ask nervously. Can't we just be happy for right now? Says a small voice in my head.

"That's it. I'm done." He said simply, and I tilt my head at him. He turns to me again, "You need to contact the police. He needs to go to jail." My eyes widen.

"No no no no no no." I push the covers off of me, sliding out of bed. I pull the sweatshirt down. "George, you've got it all wrong. He's crazy."


"He can't go to jail! If he goes jail, he'll go in as an abuser, and come out as a murderer. He needs help! He needs to go to a mental institution."

"Riley, it's what he deserves, otherwise he's just going to keep hurting you."

"How would you know what he deser-"

"What's going on?" Asked a small voice. His sister Gina stood at the doorway, a nervous look on her face. She saw my bruise, and her expression worsened.

"Gina, go away it's none of your business." George told her.

"But, George, it's scaring me." She whined softly.

"Go. We'll talk about it later."

I looked down softly, and then plopped down onto the bed again. My legs swing over the side as I lie down. George pulls the covers onto me, and my eyes close as I almost immediately fall asleep.

I wish I could remember what it was I did. The same images from that night flash in my head. Whatever it was that I did, I couldn't put my finger on it. But I had a feeling in my stomach that I would find out soon.

Author's note.
Short chapter, I know. But I really was wondering what did you think of Riley's POV? Should I continue doing it? More to come.

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