Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
I walk into Riley's room Monday morning. She slept so very soundly, but her eyes opened as I approached nevertheless.

"Morning." I tell her as she rubs her eyes, moaning groggily. "You coming to school?" I ask her, already knowing that if she were she should've been ready by now.

"No, I'm staying at home." She simply states, pulling the covers over her chest. The sunlight flickered across her face, and fell into her dark brown eyes.

Since I barely saw her Saturday or Sunday I decide to ask, "Hey, you have any idea what happened Friday night? You know at the party?"

"I dunno, ask Maya. You were pretty drunk, that's all I can remember."

My eyes widen, "Drunk?" I ask her, and she nods. So, I was drunk. Then her head rolls over, and her eyes close again. I see something on her neck so I push back her hair so that I can see it. I was met with the shocking sight of a purple bruise.

"Riles?" She looks at me again. "What's this?" I point to the mark.

After about half a minute of dead silence, she responds, "A hickey." Her stone face and her plain voice confused me, and I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. I slowly nod, and walk out of the room.

Riley's POV
"I knew it!" Auntie V yelled as she walked into the room. "It was bound to happen you little s-"

"God damnit, it's not a hickey! He just doesn't remember that he choked me."

George knocks on my window pane.

"I still don't trust that boy." V says as she slowly steps out of the room.

As soon as I slid open the window, he spoke. "What's going on? Is there a pajama day I didn't hear about?" I let out a chuckle, and shakes her head.

"No, I'm not coming to school today."

He tilts his head cutely at me, pouting his lip. "What's wrong?"

"Just... Last night... I-I'm not feeling good today." I tried to stutter through the rise in my chest. I could feel my face getting hot. "You should go." I tell him looking down. He lifts my chin up, giving me a passionate kiss on the lips. It definitely made me feel better.

He continued to hold his finger on my chin as he looked at me desperately. "If I could stay with you, you know I would. But I have a test today, and I have to stay after for a practice that I don't wanna miss."

"Of course," I nod, pulling his finger off, and waving him out the balcony door.

"Thank you for being so understanding. I'll come by later, I love you!" He was practically yelling as he hurried down the stairs of my balcony. I wave to him smiling. I wasn't mad at him at all. If anything it would be better if I was left alone for a bit. I lay back in my bed, covering myself in sheets, and closing my eyes. George's kiss replayed in my head, and I found myself kissing back at the air. My hands fall to my sides, and I lightly chuckle. The burning sensation in my chest began to fade.
Author's POV
She pulled her sleeve down, and began spinning the lock to her locker.

"How's my little bitch." She heard a regurgitating voice in her ear, and she groaned.

"Leave me alone Ashton!" She says as she throws open her locker door, and spins around to face him.

"Oh, Sophie, you know I would."

"Sophia." He growls at her correction.

"But you have some errands to do for me."

"You're not getting it out of me Ash."

"If you don't I plant all my schemes on you. Everyone will hate you for the bitch you are, and you'll lose all your friends." Sophia was taken aback, "You'll be all alone." He whispered as he smirked.

"What is wrong with you?" Sophia squints.

"You in?" Ashton holds out his hand to her.

She thought about it for a bit, not knowing what she wanted. She felt like she would lose her friends either way. But at least if she went with him, she would have a better chance of them staying with her, and the girls on the cheerleading squad would continue to look up to their captain. "Fine." She said finally giving in. She spits on her hand, and puts it in his. Ashton frowns at her again, and she smirks as she shakes his hand.
We open the door to Riley's room to see her laying down with her right arm above her head. Her hand continues to twirl her hair as she looks at us.

"We're back." George says to her as he walks in. "And better than ever." He cracked a small smile, and Riley opened her arms to him. He lays on her, as she plays with his hair.

"What's going on?" I ask her as I hop onto the other side of the bed.

"Life." Riley shrugs. "You?" I shrug as well as I look out the window. "Where's Maya?" She asks me, and as if on cue Maya calls for me from my room.

"Farkle? Can you come in here for a minute?" I sauntered over, walking through my room door. She stood at my open closet door, pointing at something posted on it. "Someone did this." I walked closer to see a small photo of Maya and I, and a post-it note next to it that said, "It won't last long, slut." I was taken aback by the language. My baby girl is not a slut.

Maya rubbed her arm up and down as I scratched the back of my neck. "Who could it be?" Her voice shakes as she looks at me with sad eyes.

"Oh, Maya baby girl." I wrap my arms around her from behind. "Who ever it is, we'll find them." She nodded as she began to sob.
I was scared. It wasn't only the note that scared me, but that picture of us I didn't even know it existed. It must have been taken without our consent. I remember thinking at that moment, whoever it is, I hope they burn in hell. But something about the handwriting looked familiar.

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