Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
There was no break between Riley and I. Always fighting, always quarelling, always on the edge of our seats, hoping one of us would win. However, It didn't affect her mental state as much as it affected mine...
We woke up in my bed again, Maya and I. I had brought her to my place after the party. As Maya's eyes blink open, so do mine. I watch her, and softly put something against her thigh. Her eyes roll back as she turns towards me. She scoots closer wrapping her legs around my torso.

"Morning babe." She greets, fluttering her eyes at me.

"Hey Mai," I greet back, placing a kiss on her lips. She blushes. "So, Maya," she looks up at me her eyes dazzling. "Tell me more about you."

"You already know everything about me Farkle. My dad left me when I was five, I grew up poor-"

"What made him leave, Mai?" I asked her. The question couldn't be too personal. I told myself. I mean we are deeply in love after all.

"Well I don't remember much. My mom is Spanish, and my dad is Irish." She averts her eyes from the ceiling which was where they were before, and looks at me again. "That's why I got these eyes and this hair." She points to her blue eyes and blonde hair, the common traits of an Irishman.

"Anyways," she says getting back on topic, "My mom, she sort of drove my dad crazy in a way. She tried to convince him that he didn't care as much, even though he did. In fact, sometimes he cared more than she did. She was always working, and he was the only one who took off of work to watch over me. Everytime he messed up, my mom would make it out as if he was a terrible father. To me and to him." She stops to think for a bit, and once she gathers her words, she goes on.

"And it was just little things he slipped up on, like sometimes forgetting to take out the trash, dropping me on my butt, and not knowing what I wanted when I was crying. These thing would happen only every once in a while, which was completely normal." She pauses, as tears start to bubble in her eyes. I rub them away.

She continues, "Finally, one night my dad had done something by accident, I can't remember what it was, but I remember I was crying. My dad said he was going for a walk. The last thing I remember my mom yelling, 'You're a terrible father!' And then he slammed the door, and I never saw him again."

Maya's tears began streaming down her face, "He has a new family now. A new wife, new children."

I kiss her cheek, "I'm sorry, Maya, babygirl I shouldn't have asked."

She shakes her head, "No, no it feels good talking about it again.

"Again?" I ask her lowering my voice.

"I talked about it with your sister a while ago." I sit there, and she looks confused, "Is everything okay?"

"I'll be right back," I tell her getting out of the bed, and putting my clothes on. I burst into Riley's room. She lays in her bed, while George lays face down on her bay window. He looked to be sleeping, and he was a deep sleeper so I didn't think I would wake him up.

"When did you become so involved in Maya's life?" I question Riley suddenly, and she jolts. I proceed the interrogation, "Why would she tell you about her dad first, and not me?"

"Well, it's quite reasonable actually. See, Maya and I were friends before she even started going to elementary school, which was where she met you, Farkle."

"That's fucking bullshit Riley, I'm her boyfriend. When did she tell you?"

"Sometime in middle school, I can't remember." Riley looks up at the ceiling thinking to herself. George had gotten up, and was sitting on the bench, looking concerned.

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