Chapter 2

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I got up from the floor that I was sitting on. I never wake up laying down. Only sitting. I never sleep or eat either. Stupid Otherwhere. Stupid Israphel with his stupid portal and his stupid face with his stupid red eyes! Ok. I think I'm done now. I smoothed out my black jacket and pants. My shirt was black and silver depending on the way you look at it. My golden brown hair was tied up in a messy ponytail as usual so I didn't bother with it. "Can we go back, now? I want to see them. Not like a stalker or anything, but I just think it would be nice to see people who aren't exactly normal." I said. Ridge nodded then took my arm. "Here we go." he said before my stomach lurched and suddenly we were on the hill between Sipsco and Honeydew Inc. "Roam as you please." he said leaping into the air. "Really?" I asked. He hasn't let me out of his sight since I met him. Not that I've asked. He is the only person who can see or hear me so that counts for something. "Yep. Gotta go, have fun!" he said cheerfully waving before disappearing. "Demigods." I sighed before heading off in a random direction. It wasn't long before I came across Duncan's castle. Said scientist was skipping happily towards the direction of Blackrock. "I'm gonna go build a nuuuuke, I'm gonna go build a nuuuuke. Under Blackrock Stronghold!" he sang. I gasped. "Now Duncan, nukes are dangerous!" I admonished him pretending he could hear me. He jumped as though he were startled. "Who's there?!" he said looking around. His eyes passed over me like I knew they would. I sighed and started towards Blackrock. Duncan took off with his jetpack.

Eventually I arrived at Blackrock and saw Zoey at her farm and Tee in a tower that looked suspiciously like a dinosaur. "I guess Rythian is in the magic room again." I muttered to myself. I entered the magic room and found the mage hard at work making...I peered over his shoulder. "Harvest Goddess band?" I wondered aloud. He jumped and in one swift movement had a red sword edged with yellow in his hand. His purple eyes flicked around the room nervously. "Who's there?" he asked softly. He looked in my direction but, as usual, his eyes slid over me. "I hate Otherwhere." I muttered walking out of the room. Eventually the mage calmed and returned to making the ring which I assumed was for Zoey. I left Blackrock and went to Honeydew Inc. I watched Simon as he dug through chests muttering, "I can't believe he hid the Jaffas again." Lewis was going on a trip to Duncan's place for some machine help. I stayed near Simon as he finally found his beloved Jaffas. Right where he left them. The dwarf then picked up a shovel and a pick and went down a ladder to what I presumed to be a mine. As he went he was humming a little song. I left the factory, there was nothing to see there, and paid a visit to Sipsco. Nilesy was there fixing the pool while Sips badgered Sjin about 'quality dirt'. Finally, Sjin went off muttering something about, "I have a cage to build." Intrigued, I followed him to Minty's bar. I sat on her roof and watched him build a giant lava-filled obsidian cage in the air. "Now I just need the dinosaur!" he said as he came down from his nerd-pole. I sighed and left him to his sinister plot. I continued my visiting pattern for three years. Starting at Blackrock, then visiting Honeydew Inc., Sipsco, Owl Island, InTheLittlecorp., Duncan's castle, Captive Creeper, and then I would finish up at Crooked Caber. I have run into Ridgedog a couple of times. We would chat and sometimes he would visit my cave near Blackrock. The cave smells faintly of dinosaur and I think Tee used to live there. Anyhow, everything was fine until they found the nuke.

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