Chapter 27

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Isa's POV~~several days later

The girl who had come from the portal during the Return had introduced herself as Kim. She had switched her tattered red dress for a cleaner one and fixed a red hibiscus flower in her long black hair. Sjin had volunteered to help her and we all went to sleep. We left camp the next morning and everyone returned home. I said a goodbye to the Blackrock crew and left with Ridgedog. Linya followed, having nowhere else to go. We walked into Ridgdog's mansion and I began my withdrawal from the others. I stayed in constant contact with Ridge and Linya, though. "Isa," Ridge suddenly asked, startling me. I opened an eye. I had brushed my black hair out of my face when we arrived. "Do you hear voices?" he asked, I stiffened. "Not anymore." I replied. "Ok." he said drifting into thought. Linya poked her head into the living room. "Thank Notch, I thought you two would be making out, or something." she said casually. I glared at her. She shrugged. "Lewis is here, he wants to talk." she said opening the door wider. My eyes widened as Lewis entered the room and I scrambled to cover my eye. "Isa, I know about your eye." he said dryly. I sighed and brushed my hair out of my face with my fingers. Then I thought about what he'd just said. "Wait, what? How?" I asked. "I know what to look for." he replied. I was still very much confused. "But that's beside the point. I'm here to bring the news since you two don't roam about much anymore. Kim was blown up by Sips two days ago." Lewis informed. I sighed. "Anything else?" I asked. "The Blackrock gang returned from the Twilight forest yesterday." he said. I heard Linya laugh from the hallway. Lewis furrowed his brow and I simply shook my head. "Don't ask. Just don't." I said in reply to his questioning glance. "Oookaaaay.... Kim landed in Duncan's fountain, by the way." he said changing the subject. I chuckled. "Oh dear." Ridge smiled knowingly. "That's gonna be quite the story." Lewis turned his gaze to me. "And how have you been doing, Isa?" he asked sitting on the couch. I relaxed in my cushy chair. "Pretty good, I suppose." I replied. The voice hasn't shown up since the Return but I neglected to mention that to Lewis. He didn't know about it, and with luck, he wouldn't. But I must have the worst luck in Minecraftia because Rythian burst in, tears leaving red marks on his face. "Zoey's gone!" he panted. I was frozen in surprise, and I had forgotten to cover up my eye. "Rythian, calm down. She's probably just gone out for some mushrooms or something." Lewis said. Rythian caught his breath and held up a note. "No, she hasn't." he said. I beckoned for the mage to sit down. He sat next to Lewis and began crying. Tee hovered at the door before coming in. The dinosaur seemed uncomfortable in the room but sat down anyway. Lewis looked at Rythian in sadness. "Let me read it." I said, my voice cold. He looked up, startled. His eyes widened when they met mine. "Oh, Isa? What's happened to you?" he said. "The note." I said. He crumpled it up and tossed it to me. I caught it and uncrumpled the paper. The note was scorched at the sides. I read it aloud. "Dear Enderborn, if its not obvious that I have taken your Zoey, than you are stupider than I first thought. All I want are the heroes, and the girl. In exchange for the three, I will return Zoey to you completely unharmed. ~Isaraphel" I finished the note and tossed it to the floor. Panic was battling with anger and I didn't know which one would win. "Oh my Notch, Isa! Your eye!" Lewis cried out in alarm. I looked up at him with one silver eye and a swirling marroon one. "He's never going to stop." I whispered. Ridge got out of his chair and made to touch my hand but I leapt to my feet and ran out of the room. I burst into the fresh air of outside and sobbed. The green grass that surrounded me withered and died wherever I touched it. The door opened behind me and someone unexpected sat beside me. "Stop your sniveling." Linya said putting an arm around my shoulders. "I cant, it's my fault." I said. "Its not your fault anymore than it is mine." she said. I scoffed. "Yeah, right!" she raised an eyebrow. "You can't tell me its your fault if you don't give me a reason." she said. I sighed. Then I told her my story. I had just finished when I looked up at her. "So the king of the nether is your dad who kidnapped you and threw you through a portal to an inescapable dimension, which you later escaped due to nuclear explosion, then he kidnapped you again and sucked your soul out of your body and corrupted it then put it back via you stabbing yourself and now he wants you and the other two in exchange for the Enderborn's girlfriend." she said. I shrugged in a way that meant 'pretty much.' she nodded. "Now would be a great time to tell me its not my fault." I said. She stared at me. "Why should I lie to you?" she said innocently. I facepalmed. "Yoy wouldn't. What are my chances?" I asked. She thought for a moment. "He's lying, he's done something to her and he won't give her back. He's not going to leave all of them alone if you three go. So, in other words, you're screwed." she said. I sighed. Need some help? I jumped. Linya stared at me. I know you can hear me. I bit my lower lip. "Isa? Are you okay?" Linya asked. I put my finger to my lips. Don't ignore me! the voice demanded. "I'm not ignoring you." I muttered. Oh, sure you're not! it said indignantly. I sighed. "Where have you been?" I asked the voice. Oh, the demigod did some spell or something that suppresses me. We should kill him. the voice replied. I facepalmed. "We're not killing Ridgedog." I protested. You never let me have any fuuuun! it whined. Linya watched with slight amusement. "Oh yeah? You never let me get any sleep!" I retorted. I saw Ridge standing at the doorway, watching in horror. "Alright, what do you want?" I asked. I want to blend our essences together in exchange for me helping you get rid of your father. it replied. I sighed. I was about to decline when I thought of Zoey at the mercy of the merciless. "No." I finally said. Still no? it asked. I nodded. Fine. Im Inficio, by the way. the voice said. "Pleasure as always." I said sarcastically. Ridge came over to me and sat down. "What did it say?" he asked. I shrugged. "It says it can help me defeat Israphel. It also says its name is Inficio." I replied. He raised an eyebrow. "Inficio? Thats the Demoness of the Taint. She was banished and captured long ago by Israphel. She wasn't that bad, really." he said. I plucked a tuft of dead grass from the ground around me. "So you're saying I have an ancient demon inside of me?" I asked. "More like bonded to you." he corrected. "Joy." I muttered. I sighed again and made up my mind. I stood up nd went inside. I traversed the hall to my room and entered, Rythian, Linya, Lewis, Tee, and Ridge following behind me in confusion. I strapped my sword to my waist and shoved everyone out of my room so I could change into my short, chainmail skirted, white dress. I stared at myself in the mirror, examining my eyes. The red colour hadn't changed. I clipped a silver cape around my neck with a glittering glowstone pin. I opened the door and brushed past the people congregated around it. I walked down the halls yet again, this time towards the front door. I reached the edge of the cliff and backed up. Always fun to get a running start. I began running and leapt off the cliff, leaving the others in confusion. I straightened my body and spun in midair as I plummeted closer to the ground. About 100 meters up, my flight kicked in and I zipped upwards through the air. I flew swiftly towards the nether portal, passing above Duncan's castle along the way. I touched the ground in front of the portal and stood. I felt something different in the air. "ISRAPHEL!" I shouted. The pale demon stepped out from behind the portal, a familiar red-head in his arms. "I wanted the heroes too, but you'll do nicely in the state you're in." he said chuckling. Blow him up! Inficio urged. I gritted my teeth. "Hush now, Fin." I whispered. "Isa!" Rythian shouted from above. I looked up and saw Rythian, Ridge, and Linya flying through the air. I sighed. "Give Zoey back." I demanded. He grinned, his creeper mouth twisting into a smile. The others landed behind me and ran up beside me. Linya looked livid with rage. Rythian was shaking with anger, and was watching Zoey carefully. I unsheathed my sword and held it ready. I heard another thump behind me and saw Lewis fiddling with his jetpack. The man came up to stand next to Rythian. Israphel smiled. "Oh this is better than I could have imagined!" the demon said excitedly. Lewis shot a glance at the mage. They exchanged looks and pulled out their own swords. "We just want Zoey." I said coolly. "Oh, the Blazechild? Sure, I've nothing to do with her anyway." Israphel said setting the unconscious girl on the ground. Rythian tapped his foot on the ground anxiously. I stepped forward but Lewis grabbed my arm. "Lewis don't." I whispered. He gripped me tighter. "Don't do this, Isa. Please." Lewis begged. I saw Israphel pull out a sword. "Lewis." Rythian said as the demon stepped forward. "Oh yes, little hero. Listen to your brother." Israphel taunted. Shock ran through my system but paused when I had to block my father's swing with my blade. He swept his golden sword towards me and grazed my arm. It stung with pain and I returned the strike with one of my own. We engaged in a duel and I drew the demon away from Zoey and Rythian ran towards her. Israphel swiped his blade across my cheek and the cut burned from the gold. I swept my blade under his feet and the demon fell to the ground. I sat on top of him, my sword at his neck. He smiled and I heard Lewis choking on air behind me. "Lewis!" Rythian screamed. He jumped to his feet and attempted to run to the choking man. He was stopped by an invisible force, however and was forced to watch in anguish. "Lewis, no! I lost our parents, I can't lose you!" Rythian cried. Ridge and Linya were trapped behind invisible walls as well. Israphel laughed. "So what is it, Isa? Go and save your friend? Or kill me?" he said smugly. Kill him! Rip his throat out! the demoness screamed in my head. I tightened my grip on my sword. "Please, Lewis! I can't do it without you, little bro." Rythian sobbed. I hissed and sheathed my sword, immediately running to Lewis. The raven-haired man was struggling to breathe and I stroked his back slowly, willing him to breathe normally. Lewis's ragged gasps slowed even more. "No, Lewis, stay with me buddy. Please, Xeph. Just stay here. We need you." I whispered. The dying man turned his head to look at me. He smiled and his breathing stopped, his eyes empty. Rage roared inside me. Now what? Inficio asked. "Deal." I said getting to my feet. "You've crossed a line." I hissed before excruciating pain ravaged me. As suddenly as it had come, the pain left and I felt raw power surging through me. Purple mist spread onto the ground around me, the violet tendrils reaching towards the pale demon. I vaguely noticed Zoey waking up, her eyes a glimmering ember instead of their piercing blue. I roared in rage and chaos erupted.

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