Chapter 28

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Isa's POV

I rose into the air, swarms of small purple wisps zipping around me. The ground below was covered in purple mist and small tendrils erupted from the ground. My father actually looked scared. I smirked. So he should. Purple tendrils wrapped protectively around Lewis's body. Ridge looked up at me and I saw him wave his hand. The other Yogs appeared in the field. They were immediately briefed by Linya and several cried when they saw Lewis's corpse. Rythian was on his knees, instructing Zoey on how to do something with tears running down his face. I gestured to him and he nodded. Everyone got into battle mode and Rythian tore his mask off, revealing the dry, black skin that was the result of his time with the endermen years ago. The mage screamed into the sky and endermen teleported into the field, baring their teeth at the demon. Zoey punched the ground and fire erupted everywhere. Israphel himself summoned giant cows with spears and blazes into the battlefield as well. Duncan and Kim unsheathed their own swords and joined the fight. Hannah gripped her sword, owls screeching in the sky above her. Nilesy was throwing buckets of water at the blazes. Sjin and Sips stood back to back with their own swords against several of the mutant cows. Linya bared her cutlass and stood with Martyn and Toby, who had their own crystal blades drawn. Minty and Ravs had swords out and guarded Lewis's body against the blazes. Tee was hidden somewhere but his arrows could be seen whizzing through the air. Ridgedog and Simon were working together, fighting blazes and mutant cows alike. The endermen darted around, changing the tainted landscape constantly. Zoey was hurling fireballs at the hellish cows. I was having a staredown with Israphel. He laughed. "Do you think you're stronger than me?" he bellowed. I said nothing. "Well, you're not!" he hissed, still extremely loud. He made a hand motion and a portal ripped through the air. A loud roar echoed from it and none other than the ender queen burst out of it. Isa, the Enderborn. Protect the Enderborn. Inficio guided gently. I nodded and zipped down next to Rythian who was literally glowing in rage. Zoey was behind him, tangoing viciously with two hell cows. I took his arm, startling him. "Don't do anything crazy, Enderborn." I said, my voice blended with Inficio's to create a melodic sound. He blinked his purple eyes. "I failed him, Isa, I failed Lewis. I was supposed to protect him! And now he'll respawn Notch knows where with Notch knows who." the endermage wailed. "Buck up for the battle. We can mourn later." I said handing him the screaming blade. He winced and glared at the dragon that darkened the skies. "This is your fault!" he screamed up at her. The dragon roared and landed in front of us. I leapt off, determined to have my revenge. I walked on the untainted soil and the purple mist immediately spread from my feet. Israphel was kneeling at Lewis's body, Minty was over at Ravs's side, healing his wounds. "Israphel." I said, my voice heavy with anger. The demon turned. "Ah, Isabella! Quite the fight we've got going, isn't it?" he purred. I let Inficio take over for a while, but guarded her carefully. He laughed a sharp laugh. "Futile as it is, its quite entertaining." my blood boiled. "You seem to have underestimated me, Israphel." Inficio said through me. Israphel inspected Lewis closely. "Have I now? You have no power, Isabella." he said with a chuckle. I felt the demoness of taint laugh mentally. "Oh, but I do. You've messed with the wrong demon, my friend." Inficio replied. Isa, its time for you to help me here. the demon whispered to me. I felt our two consciousnesses meld into one, seperable only by eternal death. It was at this moment when Israphel looked back up at me. He gasped. "Inficio?" he asked, slight fear evident in his eyes. I smiled. My eyes had gone from maroon to a dark violet colour. Slight hints of dark pink swirled in my irises. Taint crept up my hands, trailing mist whenever I moved them. "The one and only. Now, lets have a little fun, shall we?" I asked sweetly. Israphel smiled. "Let's." he replied throwing a fireball towards Duncan who blocked it without even looking. I grinned and conjured a small purple ball of mist and threw it up. The mist dispersed into the air and the tendrils that had sprung from the ground earlier attacked the hell cows and the taint swarms attacked the blazes. He frowned. "What are you doing!" he demanded. "I think we have different versions of fun, Father, dearest." I purred. Israphel's face was a blend of different emotions. "Who are you?" he asked. I grinned. "I am Isa, and I am Inficio. Pick your choice, because we're killing you either way." I said. He got to his feet and stood face to face with me before shoving a fireball into my face. The flame sizzled against the mist that rose to shield me. "Oh, Father, dearest. There's nothing to save you now." I growled gripping him by the neck. His eyes widened and he pulled against my hands. I pushed him to the ground and maintained the iron grip I had on his neck. "You can't kill me." he sputtered. I laughed. "Watch me."

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