Chapter 13

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Isabella's POV

The confused people quieted down and started looking around them. I went and stood beside Ridge, which was a bad decision on my part becasue they started staring at me. Duncan stood far away from both Rythian, who was deathstaring the man, and Sjin, who was talking with Minty. Martyn was looking at at a tree and shaking his head while Toby was chatting with Ravs. Ridge nudged me with his elbow. "Go talk to them." he whispered. I nodded and started walking over to Nilesy and Hannah who were just standing awkwardly. "Hi Hannah, hey Nilesy. Hows the runway going?" I asked them nervously. The poolboy's head snapped up, "Who are you?" he asked narrowing his eyes. "I'm Isabella." I said doing a little curtsy. "Um hi. How do you know us but we don't know you?" Hannah asked fiddling with her owl hat. "Wait and find out." I said waving before walking over to Martyn and Toby. "Hey Martyn!" I said cheerfully. The blonde turned to me. "Hello, Isabella." he said. "Ok. That was creepy. How do you know my name?" I asked confused. Hee opened his mouth to answer but seemed to be interrupted by something. He turned towards the lone spruce. "Excuse me, sir, but I am a decent man." he said defensively. I grinned. "Never mind. I forgot about the badass tree thing." I laughed. I passed Duncan on my way back to Ridge. "Don't think you can get away just because of your demigod friend." he smirked. I paused then rose into the air, a shadow-like aura surrounding me. "Maybe once you actually know me, you'll stop seeing me as an experiment, Duncan Jones!" I said loudly. The startled scientist looked up at me. "And maybe while you're at it, you can refrain from blowing people's homes up while they're still inside!" I continued. Duncan glared at me, his hand on the trigger of his laser. "Ridge, start the meeting." I said quietly, knowing that he could hear me. I kept one eye on Duncan as I flew up to Ridge. "Ok guys, now for the reason you're here." Ridgedog started as everyone quieted. The demigod nudged me forward. "Hi, I'm Isabella. There's no need for you to introduce yourselves, I know every single one of you. I'm only here because of your mad scientist over there. But let me start at the beginning. This is the condensed version of the story. When I was three and a half, I was taken by a man and shoved through a portal to the Otherwhere. Before this mystery man dumped me into the Otherwhere, he said, ' Good luck, little one. Your path was going to be my end, but we can't have that now can we? Just remember, I am Israphel. And you will never complete your destiny. Not ever. Goodbye.' And, well. Then I was stuck in Otherwhere. For ten years I roamed the world. After a year or two in my isolated Hell, I met Ridgedog. We have been friends for seven years and counting. Three years ago, he led me here, to you guys. Unable to be seen by anyone except the occasional 'ghost sighting', I watched you all for three years. Every one of you. Then, Duncan put a nuke under Blackrock, which is commonly known as the home of Rythian, Zoey, and Tee. Last week, in an attempt to diffuse said nuke, Zoey was caught in the middle of the explosion. I was rather close at the time and was only saved from death by Ridgedog. The nuke shattered the walls that separated me from you and set me free. After Zoey's recovery, I went to have a chat with our dear scientist. I was only there for a chat and maybe a little punch or two, but no. Instead I was captured and tested on, eventually to be saved, yet again, by this ridiculously awesome demigod. Then we came here, where I conclude my story with one final statement." I paused and moved my former brown, now black, hair from my silver eyes. The others gasped in shock. "I, Isabella Smyth, am a Runner." I said. I looked to Duncan, his eyes filled with guilt. I flew down to him. "Feel bad now?" I asked. "I am so sorry. I can't control it sometimes. I honestly can't." he said fearful of himself. I nodded and touched my feet to the ground. A clapping sound rang throughout the yard in front of the factory. I heard unsheathing of swords as I looked into the red eyes that I had hoped never to see again.

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