Chapter 19

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"What do you need us for?" Kogie exclaimed. "I can get you out, but I can't go myself. I need you to get a message to Lewis and the others." I said. "A message?" Leo asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Ive written it down." I said handing Sparkles* the note. He read it over then looked up. "What do you have to do?" he asked. "I get the fun job of causing a distraction and building the nether portal." I said with a shaky sigh. "How do we know we can trust you?" Parv spoke up. I looked at him with glinting silver eyes. "Parvis, you came here in a craze caused by the blood magic you are so fond of. Leo, Kogie, you two came for resources and managed to get trapped with Parv when he was captured for trespassing. Sparkles*, you came to find them and the nether portal was broken when you did find them. You never told the others so they assume you four are dead. I remember the day you went missing, Parv. I remember it very well." I said, the memory trickling into focus.
~Beginning of memory~
"Parv! Paaaaarv!" Strife shouted roaming through the base. "Parvis, you better not be in the chicken pen again!" he called out. There was no answer. "Parv?" the blonde man gasped at the sight of his friend and business partner in the chicken pen, hands dripping blood, feathers floating to the ground. "Parvis, what have you done?" he asked. Parv looked up, a crazed grin on his face. Will stumbled back and shook his head furiously. "Parv, I told you this was a bad idea. I told you blood magic was horrible!" he cried out. "Oh Will! How nice of you to join me! I need some extra blood so be a dear and give me your arm." Parv cackled. Will got shakily to his feet and began running, frantically pressing buttons on his jetpack. He looked behind him to see Parv inches away from him. The jetpack fired up and Will soared through the air. "I'll help you, Parvis!" he shouted, "I promise!"  ~End of memory~ Parv smiled as I recounted the ordeal from a year ago. "You mean, he doesn't hate me?" he asked hopefully. I shook my head. Sparkles* nodded. "When do we do this?" he asked. "Soon. We sh-" a knock on the door interrupted me. "Isabella, his Majesty would like to see you." a blaze guard said through the door. I sighed. "Okay. Just a moment." I called through the door. "No! Right now!" the guard yelled. "Hold on!" I shouted. "I can't act forever." I whispered before opening the door. The guard gripped my arm and led me to the throne room. Israphel sat on the throne, glaring at me with his glowing red eyes. "You've disappointed me, Isabella." he said, his voice echoing around the room. "What did I do?" I asked, my hands shaking slightly. "You showed kindness." he accused. I fought back a laugh. "Is that a bad thing?" I asked. "It's weakness." he said. "Then I'm weak." I retorted. He sighed. "I'll deal with you tomorrow." he grumbled waving me away. I left the room quickly. I burst into my room, startling the band. "We leave tonight." I panted. Their eyes widened as I sank to the floor, gasping. It felt like my soul was being shattered. I heard footsteps behind me. "Oh, Isabella. Lies always catch up, dont they?" Israphel said kneeling down. "At least.....I didn't....kidnap my own....daughter.....and throw her....through a portal..." I sputtered. His eyes darkened but a smile lingered on his face. He sheathed his glimmering black sword and the shattered feeling left. Desperation flooded my senses and power exploded out of me. "Now!" I shrieked, watching Israphel gasp for air, weaker than a three year old. I got up to my knees, staring at my father. The band sprinted to the unlit portal at the end of the hall. I clenched my fist and fire whooshed to life in the portal. I heard the faint swish of the portal before my vision faded. They had gotten through. I smiled as Israphel stood, grinning, the hold I had on him broken. Then I let go and floated into unconsciousness.

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