Chapter 29

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The fighting slowed to a stop. The hell cows slinked away, too outnumbered to fight back. Several had a swirling Z glowing on their skin. The blazes were mostly dead. Those that weren't were close enough. The Ender queen watched from the shadow of a tree, apparently she had a grudge to settle with Israphel as well and was satisfied with the punishment he would be receiving. The others watched in fascination. Taint spread from my fingers onto the demon of Earth. It crept steadily up his neck and onto his face, effectively stilling his futile attempts to escape my grip. In minutes, my father was taken over by the taint. I stood and smiled. The tainted grass embraced him and pulled Israphel down to his tomb. The battle was won. The Yogs rejoiced, even managing to make a truce with the endermen. During the celebrations, I managed to slink away unnoticed. Ridgedog came after me days later.

"Isa?" he asked. I turned and smiled sadly. "Go away, Ridge." I said continuing my trek. "The others miss you." he started. I laughed weakly. "They will forget. In time." he sprinted to catch up and put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "They aren't the only ones." he said. I looked at him. "You don't need me, Ridgedog. You have people to watch over. I have a kingdom to rule." I replied shrugging him off. "You're wrong, Isa. I do need you. I always have and I always will!" he said, tears beginning to form in his eyes. I laughed again. "You don't need me, you'll be perfectly fine without me. All I've managed to do is get your friend killed." I said bitterly. "But you've vanquished the most evil man that's ever existed since Herobrine!" he protested. "I murdered my own father." I retorted. "Your father kidnapped you when you were three and threw you into the Otherwhere." he said blandly. I glared at him. "My point is, Isa, you've done great things." he said. "So?" I asked sitting at the edge of the cliff, dangling my legs over the edge. "So? Isa, they still need you. All of them do. They need you to remind them to do the right thing. They need you to motivate them, to strengthen them, to help them." he argued. I looked at the demigod again. "Isn't that why you're here?" I asked. He grew quiet. Moments later, I realised he was crying. "Just...don't leave me. I'll miss you." he said. "You'll get over it." I said simply. "But I need you!" he protested. I turned my head to watch the sun set over the mountains. "You'll be better off without me." I replied. "Isa, don't you see? I love you." he said quietly. I froze. "I have ever since I met you, and I didn't even know it." he cried. I stood. "We'll meet again." I said stiffly. He lurched to his feet. "No, you can't leave me!" he shouted desperately. Taint spread from my feet, coating the grass in purple. "Isa." he whispered. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned and kissed him. He immediately kissed back, embracing me and pulling me closer to him. I pulled away slowly. "I'll see you soon." I whispered dissolving into a purple mist. I reformed on a mountaintop. The summit stood taller than all the others, and I could see for miles. I watched the demigod collapse to his knees and cry. I watched him scream into the sky for me to come back. I watched him slowly stand and walk home. I turned my back on the view, and started anew. "Inficio, its time to begin..." I said quietly. It'll be better soon, Isa. I promise. she replied. "I hope so." I said in return.

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