Chapter 21

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Lewis's POV

We set out early that morning. Rythian walked beside me, matching me stride for stride. The others followed, chatting and laughing occasionally but otherwise the mood was grim. Simon came up to me. "Do you remember how we did it last time?" he asked. I looked down at the dwarf. "Not at all." I replied. "Fantastic." he mumbled. "I think we can do it. Its one person against all of us." Zoey said from behind Rythian. "Zoey, he's a billion year old demon. I think we're a little bit screwed." the mage said shaking his head. "Fine." Zoey groaned. We had walked for hours before Toby stopped. "Lewis, build it here!" he shouted. I stopped and turned. "Coming!" I yelled running over to him. I pulled out some obsidian and hastily built the infamous nether portal. Instantly it opened, and we all jumped back. "Can they even do that?" Duncan asked. Nilesy shrugged. "Maybe someone's coming through it?" he suggested. "Maybe..." Hannah said. I was about to step forward when a person rolled out of the purple haze. We collectively gasped just as two others stumbled out coughing. Minty ran to the three people, one of which had collapsed in a fit of coughing. "Minty!" Sjin cried out barely managing to push her out of the way as a fourth person leapt out of the portal and rammed one of the obsidian blocks out of place. The portal closed and the four men in front of us. I began to take a closer look at the new arrivals. "Sparkles*?" I exclaimed. The ginger man looked up, his hair messy and matted. "Lewis, I found her..." he gasped. "We thought you guys were dead!" Sips said whacking Parv's ear. "Where's Strife?" Parv asked. I looked at Rythian. He shook his head. I looked back at Parv. I can't lie to him. "Parv, Strife is....missing." The guitarist paled. "He's what!?" I pursed my lips. Kogie put his arm around Parv as he began to cry. Ridge huffed from the back of the group. "Move." he barked pushing Sips and I out of the way. Duncan glared at him. Ridge charged up to Sparkles* and gripped him by the collar of his faded black shirt. He pushed the singer up against the edge of the portal. "You said you found her, explain!" Leo stood shakily. "Sparks*, the note." he said holding his hand out. Sparkles* fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a note which he tossed to me. The black paper was beautifully folded into the shape of a lilly. I unfolded it and started to read the elegant silver writing which I knew to be Isa's.
Dear Lewis,
I'm writing this in the dead of night. I have Israphel wrapped around my little finger. He believes I have forgotten everything about you guys. That's kept me out of trouble for now. He has this sword, though. You saw it the day I was taken. The black one. It seems to be stealing pieces of my very soul when its unsheathed. I'm keeping up with things so far but, Lewis, I can't act forever. I don't know how this will get to you, I really don't. Just hurry, please. Tell everyone I said hi. Also, tell Rythian to keep an eye on Zoey when you guys come to find me. See you soon!

I reread it. I had just gotten to the end again before Rythian snatched it out my hand. "Dude, careful." Toby muttered. I watched Rythian's reaction as he read the letter. His eyes grew from bluey green to a deep shade of violet. He reached the end and threw the black note to the ground. Rythian turned on his heel and stormed off into the woods. "Rythian!" Zoey yelled, following the angry mage. I glanced at Martyn. He sighed. "Fine...." he whined, running off to edge of the forest. I nodded and turned back to the band. Ridge had released Sparkles* in exchange for the note, which he was now reading. "So, Sparkles*, what happened?" I asked. He sighed. "Israphel happened." I nodded. "Start a fire." I ordered. Simon nodded and rushed off to find some dead wood. Duncan reached into his backpack and pulled out a few chairs. He sat them around the fire pit. We all sat and stared at Area 11. "Well. When I went in to go find Parv, Leo, and Kogie, the portal was exploded behind me and I was trapped. I found some kind of village after walking a long time and it was there that I had found Kogie, Leo, and Parv. We had stayed in the village for less than three days when we found out that it was ruled by Israphel. A few months later, Isabella made an appearance and somehow recognised me. I didnt even know her. She brought us to her room in Israphel's castle and explained a little. Then she gave me the note and asked me to give it to you. Then Israphel showed up and did something to her without even touching her. She told us to run and then she started pulling all of the light out of the room and actually overpowered Israphel long enough for her to light the portal so we could escape." Sparkles* explained. We were all silent for a moment. I saw purple particles out of the corner of my eye and Rythian appeared. "Excuse me, I'd like to borrow Lewis for a minute. Thanks." he said taking my arm and teleporting us away. My stomach did a small flip as we ended up in the middle of the forest where Zoey and Martyn were waiting. "Sorry, Xeph. I needed you to tell them the legend of the sword." he said. I shrugged. "Okay, so the sword that Israphel uses, you've seen it, is special. It has the power to slowly suck the soul out of the target's body. Legend has it, its the only thing that can completely kill Israphel. The problem is..." I trailed off, looking at Rythian. "Its Israphel's sword." he continued. We all sighed. "What are you saying?" Martyn asked. "We have to kill Israphel before we can find Isa." Zoey realised. I nodded. I looked at Rythian. He shook his head slightly. "We should go back. We don't have much time." I said. Rythian nodded. "Martyn, can you take us back?" he asked the blonde. Martyn nodded and began walking, occasionally glaring at a few trees. At one point he even stopped and stared in horror at one of the birch trees. "How very dare you!" he shouted at it, proceeding to roll his eyes and continue walking. We reached the camp as sundown approached. "Get some rest, everyone! Tomorrow's gonna be.....well....Notch knows what's going to happen tomorrow." I announced as I entered the camp. I sat on a log by the dying fire and stared at the stars. I smiled as I remembered when I was a kid.
~totally awesome flashback~
I ran around the yard, laughing, sparks trailing behind me. Instead of falling to the ground, they floated into the sky and glimmered brightly in different colours. I laughed gleefully as more of the sparks floated into the air. "I wanna catch one!" I shouted. "Oh, really now?" my older brother grinned. "Yeah!" I yelled. My brother laughed a musical laugh, brushed the blonde streak out of his eyes and pulled out one of his special stones. He blew on it and the sparks that trailed from my feet swirled and dipped around me. I laughed and tried to catch one of the star-like sparks. I finally managed to enclose one in my chubby four-year old fist. I peeked into my fist and giggled as the little blue light flickered in my hand. I opened my hand and the small light shot into the sky and exploded into a mass of small glimmering shards that landed all around me. I picked one up and laughed as it turned into a small, glowing, bouncy ball. It began to bounce on its own and bounced right into my brother's open palm. I jumped to reach it but my older brother stood and held it above me, laughing. "What do you say, Xeph?" he teased. I smiled. "Rythian is the best big brother in the whole world and he's mine and no one else can have him." I recited. Rythian chuckled. "No, you have to say please!" I laughed. "Please? That's a silly word, I like my way better." I said. He smiled. "People generally do like their way better." he said. "Boys! Time for bed!" Mum yelled out the window. I pouted. "Awww, Mum! Just a little longer!" Rythian shouted. "No, its past midnight!" she shouted back. Rythian looked down at me. I shrieked joyfully as he scooped me up and ran into the house, laughing the whole way. He laid me in my bed and kissed my forhead. "I love you Xeph." he murmured. I smiled. "I love you too, Rythian. You're the best big brother ever." I said yawning. He ruffled my hair and stood, going to change into his own starry pajamas that matched mine. I fell asleep to the soft humming of my brother, his gentle blue eyes shining in the darkness.
~end of totally awesome flashback~

I was aware of someone sitting beside me, smiling as I saw it was Rythian. "Remember that night when we were kids, Ryth?" he looked at me. "Which one?" he asked. "The one where you turned 11 and Dad taught you how to make things fly." I replied. His eyes brightened, "Yeah, that was fun." he said. I heard the smile in his voice. "What happened to those nights?" I asked. My brother stiffened. "You know what happened, Xeph." he said grimly. "Yeah..." I trailed off. "I still believe it though." I said. "Still believe what?" he asked. "That you're the best big brother in the world." I said smiling. He chuckled. "I stopped believing that a long time ago." he said, memories dancing through his shimmering bluish green eyes. I yawned. "Im going to bed. Night, Ryth." I said standing up. I started walking but turned back at the sound of my brother standing slowly. "Rythian?" I asked. "Endermen." I heard him growl before disappearing in a cloud of purple sparks. I sighed and laid on the ground, rejecting the sleeping bag next to me, and fell asleep.

The Other Side (A Yogscast Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora