Chapter 17

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Lewis's POV

We were all still in shock that night at the factory. I ran my hand through my hair anxiously. What am I going to do? I've got all of the yogs in my factory, three of which are knee deep in a war against each other, and who knows what else. Tension is high and everyone is looking to me to be a leader, but when it comes to this, I don't know what I'm doing. Isa obviously had no clue about Israphel being her father, but something was nagging at me to just let it be. But this is Israphel we're talking about. I was interupted from my thoughts by a knock at the door. "L-lewis?" a voice I recognised as Toby's spoke through the oak door. I opened the door and looked at the teen. "Yeah, Toby?" I asked, his hair looked kinda weird. It was almost like there were two little points sticking through his hair. "I think I know how to find Isa." he mumbled. Instantly I was alert, paying more attention to the world around me. "How?" I asked moving aside to let Toby into the room and closing the door behind him. "Do you promise not to tell Martyn?" he asked with a small voice. I nodded, perplexed. "Or Nilesy?" he asked, a smile tugging at his lips. I furrowed my brow and nodded again. "What is it, Toby?" I asked. He took a deep breath. "I'm part cat." he blurted. I raised my eyebrows a bit. This wasn't news to me. I know a halfling when I see one. "I can see why you wouldn't want to tell Nilesy." I said thoughtfully. He smiled. I suddenly realised what the little bulges under Toby's hair were. "Cat ears." I thought aloud. "Yeah. I have a tail too, do you want to see it?" he asked perkily. I smiled. "Why the hell not?" I said. The teen grinned and a black tail popped out from underneath his hoodie. It flicked back and forth. "So you said you could find Isa. How?" I asked. He tapped his nose. "Tracking." he replied. I nodded. "You do realise that we will have to tell them-" "No!" he interrupted in a panic. "eventually." I finished and Toby visibly relaxed. "Yeah I guess." he mumbled. An idea ran through my brain and my plan making stopped cold. "Can you track to different dimensions?" I asked. Toby nodded. "Yep." he assured me. I smiled. "Good. We leave in the morning. Get some sleep. Its gonna be a hard day tomorrow." I said following Toby out of the machine room. We joined the other yogs in the dorms, Zoey had managed to convince Rythian to magic up a few extra beds. Toby hid his tail and ears and joined Martyn. Hannah ran up to me, planting a small kiss on my cheek before dragging me off with Simon. Nilesy was playing with a cat that Ridge had spawned in. Ridge himself seemed pretty glum as he sat in midair. Rythian was chatting happily with Zoey who was also keeping an eye on Ravs, who had shown up a while ago, and Tee who were flipping a lever back and forth. Minty was giggling about something with Sjin. Duncan was fooling around with the settings on his laser sword. I looked out the window and to the stars. They twinkled brightly, reminding me that there was still hope. "So....Do you think we can find her in time?" a deep voice asked from behind me. I jumped slightly and turned to the mage behind me. "I know we can find her. So I guess the question is, can we find her before it's too late?" I answered. He looked into the sky. "I have hope, Xeph, I have hope." he murmured. I nodded. "And a little hope," I looked at Rythian. "Goes a long way." he finished, a sad smile in his violet eyes. I smiled a little too. "Let's get some sleep. We've got a long day tomorrow." I said. Rythian nodded and walked back over to Zoey. I smiled a little at how happy they seemed before returning to the spot where Simon and Hannah were. "Simon, don't we have some blankets and such?" I asked fighting back a yawn. He nodded and left to get them. I looked around again. Nilesy's new cat was sleeping contentedly on the poolboy's lap. It seems that everyone was rather tired, myself included. Simon finally came back with blankets and pillows, which were gratefully accepted. A few moments later, the lights were out everyone was under their blankets, on their way to the land of dreams.

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