Chapter 14

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Isabella's POV

My breathing quickened. I was staring at the man who trapped me in the Otherwhere for thirteen years. I was terrified. The pale man chuckled at the people around me. I looked at them and saw sour faces and unsheathed swords. I felt anger radiating from every one of them. But mostly, I felt fear. Not just from me, but from everybody. Even Ridgedog was paralyzed from the fear that seemed to thicken the air. "Isabella Smyth. How nice to see you after all these years!" the man's red eyes gleamed as he walked towards me at an almost impossible speed. I looked to Ridge, he was quivering in both fear and anger. Rythian was hugging a terrified Zoey. "I-I-Israphel." I choked out. Israphel chuckled again. "Surprising that you still remember after all this time." he said stroking my cheek with his pale hand. I tried to keep from fainting as the man who ruined my life stood less than a foot away. "Not hard to forget the one who shoved me through a portal when I was three and a half." I said sourly. Israphel scowled. "Didn't work as well as I had hoped." he commented dryly. I bowed slightly. "My pleasure." I said sarcastically. "Your mother always was a free spirit." he huffed. I stiffened. "Pardon?" I asked, struggling to breathe. "And polite too. Pity she had to give you up." he said in amusement as I leaned on the building behind me for support. I suddenly had a burst of courage, or stupidity, because I kicked him in the balls. Israphel's instant reaction was to reach out and punch my nose. But his fist was stopped by a sword. A gleaming... electric sword? "Ridge! Little help might be nice!" Duncan yelled to the demigod as Israphel drew his dark blade from its sheath. Instantly I felt as though my very soul was being consumed and I doubled over in pain as Ridge snapped into action. The demigod pulled out his own deadly weapon. A beautiful golden Desert Eagle. Ridge's blue overcoat snapped in the wind as he held the gleaming gun and pointed it straight up. The battling duo of scientist and....thing stopped as Ridgedog pulled the trigger. "ENOUGH!" he shouted. I stood and everyone else snapped out of their paralysis. Israphel straightened and looked at an invisible watch. "Oh, I must go or I'll be late, but I'm not leaving without what I came here for." he said walking closer to me. "And what is that?" Martyn hissed brandishing a green blade that whispered the secrets of the forest. Israphel grinned. "My daughter." Everything dissolved into nothingness as he whacked the back of my head.

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