Chapter 22

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Isa's POV

My eyes opened slowly. The room I was in was dark, thank Notch. Something inside me made me shiver. Like a puzzle whose pieces fit but didn't make the right picture. My eyes adjusted to the lighting in seconds, the darkness seeming bright as day. I could see a figure huddled in one of the corners. "Hello?" I said attempting to sit up. I yelped in uncomprehensible pain. Then I remembered. "How am I still alive?" I wondered. I wasn't in that ridiculous dress now. My clothes had been swapped for a black camisole and a black pair of yoga pants. My feet were bare and the only colour on me was a clip made out of  a shard of glowstone. But the clip wasn't glowing and instead seemed dull, but regal nonetheless. I tried to sit up again but was rewarded with a blast of pain in my stomach. "Oh, c'mon! I've survived a nuclear blast, getting experimented on by a crazy scientist, my soul practically getting sucked out of my body, and I can't sit up after a stab wound in the stomach?!" I shouted into the oblivion above me. "A stab wound in the stomach seems better than getting experimented on." boomed the voice of Israphel from Notch knows where. Anger pulsed through my veins. "I flew!" I shouted. "Sorry?" Israphel replied. "After getting experimented on, I flew!" I shouted. "Oh." he replied. I heard the click of a loudspeaker, meaning he had left. I turned to my cellmate, who had slowly crept a little closer to me. I had somehow managed to stand. "Hi." I said to the person, whom I now realised was a girl. She stood. She had a dark, almost navy, strapless cami on and a pair of dark grey yoga pants with slightly see-through dark grey gloves that reached up to her elbow. She had long bliush-white hair that nearly reached to her hips and had an eyepatch over her left eye. Her right eye was navy blue. She had a steel cutlass at her side and had a semi-sane gleam in her eye. "What's your name?" I asked, disturbed a little by the silence. "Fiiiiiiiiish." she replied. I frowned a little. "Fish?" I asked. She giggled. "Linya means Little Fish in squid! What are you, stupid?" she remarked. I shrugged. "I never did get good education." I said wryly. She laughed a cold, heartless laugh. "That explains a lot." I scowled. "Yeah... Not really." She shrugged my comment off. "You must be important to him." she commented. "Sorry?" I asked. "Israphel. He literally carried you in here himself. You have to mean something to him." she continued. I scoffed. "No." I said quietly. Linya shrugged. "Whatever you say, Demon's pet." she said turning back to the wall. I sat down on the clammy floor, ignoring the everpresent pain in my stomach. "So who stabbed you?" Linya asked. I frowned. "I did." I replied. She laughed again. That cruel laugh that had a strange echoey feel to it. But maybe it was just the room. "Oh, please! You're too weak to do something like that." she said. Anger flooded my system. "I'll have you know that I was having my soul being slowly extracted from my body and stabbng myself in the stomach seemed a pretty decent way to go out at the time!" I roared. She flinched. "Jesus, calm down. I know truth hurts but still, take a chill pill." she remarked. I tried to take a step towards her but was stopped by a pull at my ankle. I kneeled down and brushed my hand over the cold metal. I hissed in pain as the gold shackle came in contact with my skin. Linya chuckled from her corner. "Oh dearie, you can't stand me, and you make me shut up!" she cried out in insane glee. I shook my head and sat down. I don't want this person here. The thought ricocheted through my brain. "Go to Hell." I blurted. She turned and grinned. "Oh, but we're already there, dearie."
Introducing Linya, the character of silverwolf1018! What does everyone think? The chapter is dedicated to silverwolf1018 because she is freakishly awesome! Also, a picture of Linya is available on twitter. My account is called This_is_JoJo_. So check out the picture and have a nice day!

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